Playa Del Carmen Guides
Looking for some Playa Del Carmen info? Chances are we have a Playa Del Carmen guide for that! We have been making guides for guest and residents in Playa Del Carmen and wanted to make a big list so you have easy access to them. We keep these up-to-date for you and always try to add new stuff.
This information is great to add as a link to your rental website, bookmark on your personal computer or to keep handy as a reference.
Playa Del Carmen Info on Restaurants and Eating
Where to Eat in Playa Del Carmen? This guide tell you where we would eat al three meals a day if we were in Playa Del Carmen for one week.
Best Restaurants in Playa Del Carmen guide. What might be a very important list for you, this list highlights what we feel makes a restaurant one of the best. Experience the local feel of Playa and have a great meal at some of these restaurants.
The Foodies Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Are you a foodie? Do you love trying great food? We made this guide for you lovers of food so you can meet other food enthusiast in Playa Del Carmen who own restaurants and take pride in what they make. There are also places that serve unique food items that you just might appreciate.
The Best Breakfast Restaurants in Playa Del Carmen Guide. Looking for a place to start your day? This guide has cafes and great places to eat breakfast, everything from middle eastern to Yucatecan food.
The Bakery Guide to Playa Del Carmen. With this Playa Del Carmen guide you can find all the desserts and bakeries around! Everything from handmade donuts to French pastries!
The Coffee and Tea Lovers Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Need some caffeine? We have some great coffee and tea shops in Playa Del Carmen. This guide has a map and you can see what cool places are near you.
Our Huge Restaurant Guide. This Guide list all the places that we visit and a brief description of them. There are more restaurants then you can eat at and so many good ones to try!
The Taco Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Tacos are so Mexican and they actually have a lot of variety. Here are some great places around town and why we think they are good. This information on Playa Del Carmen comes in handy for tourist!
Lunch Deals Guide. This guide list special promotions that certain restaurants give during the day. With this guide you can save money and eat a great meal!
The Cheap Eats Guide for Eating under 100 Pesos. This guide helps you get some good food and cheap prices. Everything from street food to inexpensive restaurants.
Playa Del Carmen Guide for bars and going out
The Bar Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Looking to go out for drinks? a beer? This guide will help you find the best bars to visit in Playa Del Carmen.
The Nightlife Guide to Playa Del Carmen. This guide gives you all the information on clubs and night spots for going out.
Guide to Great Drinks to Try in Playa Del Carmen. Do you like cool cocktails or a frozen drink? Here are some unique drinks we have come across while visiting places in Playa Del Carmen. This includes both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.
General Guides and Info for Playa Del Carmen
More basic guides for those new to Playa Del Carmen
The First Time Visitors Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Are you coming for the first time? This guide will answer many of your questions and give you the basics info on Playa Del Carmen.
Where to stay in Playa Del Carmen. This guide gives you a detailed map of what area are like and where you might like to stay.
The Guide to 5th Avenue. This guide help people know what to see on 5th Avenue. If you are coming to stay in the center of Playa or just for a day to walk the Avenue, this will help you know where to go.
The Guide to Parking in Playa. This guide give you a map of where to park at lots and garages and on the street parking.
What to pack for vacation to Playa guide. Coming on vacation and what to know what to bring? Here is a packing list for you.
How to Exchange Money Guide.Many people ask what to do about exchanging money and where. We answer all your questions here.
Other guides for more detailed information
Guide to Yearly Calendar of Events for Playa Del Carmen. This guide lets you know about public holidays and events that take place in Playa Del Carmen. Maybe you can plan your trip around something that is going on in Playa.
The Guide to the Best Beaches in Playa Del Carmen. This guide is just for in Playa Del Carmen and counts down the popular beaches and why.
Playa Del Carmen and the Riviera Maya for children Guide . Are you bringing children with you or living here with children? Here are some fun activities and places to visit for children so your whole family can have fun on vacation.
The Guys Guide to Playa Del Carmen. This guide is for your man and everything to make him happy here. This tours for men and restaurants that guys like.
How to Do Playa Del Carmen Cheap and on a Budget Guide. This guide tells you how to save money on your next vacation and makes it even more affordable.
The Gay Guide to Playa Del Carmen. This guide highlights the restaurants, bars, beaches and more that are popular with gay and lesbian travelers.
The Romantic Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Looking for that great location for a romantic dinner or place to stay in Playa? Well this is the guide for you!
Playa Del Carmen Guides for safety and avoiding scams
Dangers and Safety Guide to Playa Del Carmen. This guide helps tourist know about dangers and issues you can have on vacation. It also helps you avoid most problems so you can have a nice safe vacation.
The Guide on how to avoid scams and tourist traps. There are people that like to take a little advantage of tourist and offer services that are not the best. Here is a guide to avoid common problems.
The Guide on How Not to Get Scammed At the Gas Station. Pemex is the name of gas stations in Mexico and there are some tricky things that attendants can do to scam you out of money. This guide helps you avoid them.
Playa Del Carmen Guides for Residents and Living and information
Buying Used Cars, Clothes and Furniture in Mexico Guide . This guide helps residents know where to look for these things and some important tips for shopping for things.
The Furniture Guide to Playa Del Carmen. Here is a list and description of new furniture stores in Playa Del Carmen.
The Guide for how to get a drivers license in Playa Del Carmen. This guide walks you through the steps for getting your drivers license in Mexico.
The Guide on owning a scooter or motorcycle. This guide tells you where to buy one, regulations and dangers of scooters in Playa.
The Medical Guide to Playa. This guide tells you where hospitals are and what level of treatment you can receive. There are even some tips for cheap care and seeing a doctor.
The Weekend Guide to getting out of Playa Del Carmen. This guide has tons of places for you to check out and escape Playa.
Guides to Activities and Day Trips
The Guide to Mayan Ruins in the Riviera Maya. This guide will help you choose what ruins might be good for you to visit when in the Riviera Maya.
Guide to Tours We Recommend. These are all tours you can book for your trip from Playa Del Carmen area or Cancun.
Visiting Tulum Ruins-Our Everything to Know Guide. Since Tulum is a very popular Mayan ruin site to visit, this guide tells you all the information on how to get there and how to best see the site.
Our Guide to Xel-ha park. This popular eco park is huge and we make it easy for you to make the most of your day there so you can see everything!
Playa Del Carmen Guides for Transportation information

The guide on how to take the colectivos to Tulum and Cancun. Getting up and down the coast is easy if you know how to take the colectivos. These are the minivans that drive passengers on the highway and drop you off everywhere in-between.
The Guide on Playa Del Carmen’s ADO Bus Stations. There are two bus stations and we tell you where the busses go to and how to get to the Cancun Airport from Playa Del Carmen.
The Guide on how to take the ferry to Cozumel. Want to visit Cozumel? Here is our guide on when and how much the ferries cost.
The Guide on how to get from the Cancun airport to Playa Del Carmen. There are several easy options to connect with the airport to Playa Del Carmen. We tell you everything in this guide.
The Guide on private transfers from the Cancun Airport to Playa. This is how you can book fast and affordable private transfers from the airport to Playa Del Carmen or nearby.
The guide on how to take taxis. Taxis do not have meters here so we did include a price sheet so you know how to take taxis like a pro.
Transportation Guide on how to get anywhere from Playa Del Carmen. This guide gives an overall look at how to get to destinations and what transportation methods are good to use.
Map Guide of where things are in Playa Del Carmen. Want to know what areas of the city are called or other interesting maps? Well here they are.
The Guide to Public Transportation in Playa Del Carmen. Need to take the bus? They don’t go everywhere but here is a guide.
The Guide to Flights in Mexico . This guide helps you know about local airlines and how to best fly to other destinations in Mexico.
Guide to Driving in Playa and the Rivera Maya. This information is helpful if you rent a car or are going to be living here. There are some certain things you need to know that will save you some frustration while driving here.
Guides to Shopping information for Playa Del Carmen
The Ultimate Guide to Shopping in Playa Del Carmen. This guide gives you all the information on shopping for tourist and residents.
The Fashionista’s Guide to Shopping on 5th Avenue. Are you a little into fashion and want a great find to take home? Here is a guide to the best boutiques on Playa Del Carmen’s 5th Avenue.
The Shopping Just Off 5th Avenue Guide. Everyone shops on 5th since it is the main tourist drag but there are some great places just off 5th Avenue that are worth a visit. Here is a guide to them.
The Shopping Mall Guide to Playa . Most tourist do stick to 5th Avenue but there are two malls in Playa that offer a little shopping.
Where to buy wine, alcohol and beer guide . This guide helps you find the stores that sell alcohol, wine and beer complete with map.
The Grocery Shopping Guide. This guide tells you where the grocery stores are and little details to help you shop.
We hope you found and the Playa Del Carmen information you needed here. If you are looking for something else let us know in the comments below and we will try to make a Playa Del Carmen guide for your needs.
Hola y Feliz Navidad,
Could you please recommend an English speaking optometrist.
Mucho Garcia.
Hello. Thanks for your question. We have not found an English speaking optometrist but some must speak some English. We are going to have to put that on our list to find in Playa because several other people have asked for one. So the fact that many people have been looking must mean there are few and far between. We will keep you posted though.
Thank you for the alcohol guide and the hours for buying it. You made me save time and was very easy to find the stores with your instructions.
We are glad to help! We hope you got some good drinks in Playa Del Carmen as well as having a nice vacation.
Way cool! Some extremely helpful guides! I appreciate all you do for our community and those that travel to Playa Del Carmen.
plus the rest of the website is also really good.