Packing List For Your Vacation to Playa Del Carmen

Packing Playa Del Carmen

What to bring to Playa Del Carmen for vacation guide

Are you coming on vacation and wondering what to pack for Playa Del Carmen? Here are some helpful tips on what to pack and a packing list.

Packing list for one week in Playa Del Carmen

Since most people come for one week, here are the things we recommend.

  1. Light clothes that are cool, light and comfortable. Going out at night will require nicer clothes if eating on 5th Avenue, it’s not Gucci but there are a lot of nice restaurants. Men don’t wear ties, just a nice button down shirt, loose pants and nice sandals. Women wear light dresses, low heals and minimal jewelry. In December and January it might be cool in the evenings. We are talking 67 degrees, so a light cover-up possibly.Playa Del Carmen packing list
  2. A bathing suit or two or three, you must get in the beautiful ocean or a cenote. Due to the more humid climate, things do not dry as fast and you will also most likely spend several days at the beach, so bring several swimsuits. Cover-ups are easily bought on 5th Avenue and make for a nice souvenir.
  3. Two pairs of good sunglasses. It is almost always sunny, and the sun is strong. Protect your eyes with good glasses. We suggest two pairs, one more casual and one more dressy for walking on 5th Avenue or going out to eat during the day. Having a hard case for them as well is helpful.
  4. Biodegradable sunscreen and bug spray. We suggest bringing this because you don’t want to spend your vacation shopping for things, and it can be expensive here. You can buy travel sizes or a big bottle and divide it into travel sizes. Biodegradable sunscreen is required for the eco parks and cenotes. The regular creams contain chemicals that harm the eco system. If you are going to an archeological site, then the bug spray might come in handy, depending on the time of year. In Playa there is not a big need for spray.
  5. Beach bag. Maybe one of travel bags can double as something to take to the beach. This helps carry your music, e-reader, sunscreen, towel and other supplies for your days at the beach.
  6. Hats. Did we mention it is sunny a lot here? Hats can shade your face and pain of getting a little too much sun. Visors are great because they allow air to your head but shade your face. Men in the Yucatan traditionally wear woven hats, you can find these in Playa for about 120-150 pesos.
  7. Sandals. You are at the beach and in a beach town. They are easy to put on and saves the number of socks you need. Sandals with arch support is great. We recommend Reef sandals for this fact. If by chance you get some rainy weather, sandals are good because the streets can get temporarily full of water from downpours and shoes with socks will get soaked.
  8. An e-reader for those sunny days at the beach or in a hammock somewhere.
  9. A good camera and a water camera. There are so many opportunities to take underwater photos. It can be at the beach, snorkeling, visiting an eco-park, or while swimming in a cenote. Don’t miss some good underwater shots. Bring the chargers as well.
  10. Misc. Locks for your suitcase, zip lock bags for storing stuff, toiletries, medications, money belt, travel alarm, emergency rain poncho, a pen for filling out forms on the plane.
  11.  If you have good snorkel equipment already and plan on doing a good amount of it, then it would be good to bring it. You can easily buy inexpensive stuff here for a day or twos worth of snorkeling. A lot of people like to use Under Amour long sleeve shirts to swim in to block out the sun.
  12. Aqua socks or water shoes. If you are going to be on a rocky beach or snorkeling in some places, it is good to have some foot protection.

    What to pack for Playa Del Carmen
    Yal Ku Lagoon inlet is a great place to bring water shoes to.
  13. Laptop or tablet plus chargers. Many places have Wi-Fi available. Mexico uses the same plugs as the US and Canada. You could bring a surge protector if you wanted to be extra safe. We have never had any problems except things getting a little warm when charging. The power can have fluctuations here.
  14. If you are traveling with a baby, then having some sort of car seat/stroller going to be helpful. Not only for your walking around and strolling on 5th Avenue but also for a double use for restaurant seating for your baby or young child.

What not to bring to Playa Del Carmen

Airline regulations are changing all the time, and some airlines are just downright crazy with charges for luggage. So, packing too much can cost you. Here are some things not to bring.

  • Tourists look silly in print t-shirts; especially is they have your sports teams on them.
  • Don’t bring too many guidebooks. You can photocopy what you need or send copies of things to your email or tablet to bring with you.
  • If it is cold at home, wear a sweatshirt or several layers with a light windbreaker. This will avoid having a heavy jacket here in Mexico and the windbreaker can double as a rain jacket if need be.
  • Don’t bring the family jewels. Most women just have light jewelry here and having bling just draws too much attention to yourself. Plus, it is fun to shop for a one-of-a-kind piece here to remind you of your vacation.
  • Long sleeve shirts, thicker cotton and things that may be tight. When you have a tropical climate like we do here, having something tight will just feel uncomfortable. The same is true of long sleeves and thick cotton.
  • Ties and jackets for men are no needed. No restaurant requires them, so you can just relax a little more.
  • Over the top explorer gear. Don’t get crazy with getting jungle safari hat and pants, it is not like you are spending months in the Amazon. You will just look silly walking around here with them. You can however borrow from the technology and wear some cool fabric shirts for the days you do go to Mayan Ruins.
  • Towels for the beach. They take up too much space and your hotel are likely to have something for you. If not, you can easily buy them at Walmart and you have a souvenir.
  • Don’t bring too much stuff. You know how many days you will be here and having a super large suitcase is just going to be extra weight from when you land to when you leave the hotel and return home.
  • Jeans, this can go either way, but in general jeans are too thick and hot to wear most of the year. Cotton, loose and light pants are best.
  • A boogie board or other excessive water equipment. You can buy these in Walmart along with beach balls and sand toys for the kids. Even inexpensive snorkels can be bought in the store or even rented at many locations.

We hope this article helps you with you packing so you can have the best vacation possible.

Coming to the area and need transport?

Now that you are on your way to Playa Del Carmen, see what is our best recommended way to get from the Cancun Airport to your hotel. They offer great rates to our readers for this private transfer service. Most people take these private vans round trip from the airport to their hotel. It is very easy to book ahead of time and have a driver waiting for you. 

cancun airport to Tulum
These are what the private transfer vans look like that will transport you from the Cancun Airport.


Have you been to Playa Del Carmen before? What did you bring with you that was something you were glad your brought? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.

About The Author


  1. Hey, this is a good list for packing. We are coming to Playa Del Carmen this net week and we had some questions. We found your site and it answered a lot of our questions.

    Kudos, I appreciate it!

    • If youare staying at an all inclusive hotel and booking specialty restaurants,gentlemen pack a pair of long dress pants and closed toe shoes.
      these are considered 5 star and it is nice to feel comfortable. The Maitre’de may ask you to leave or change. after the sun goes down it is cool! ladies dress up!!! you are on vacation.
      and please leave the “jack shirt” at home

        • She might be referring to a Panama Jack shirt, kind of like a tropical print shirt you see guys wearing in movies at resorts or tropical settings.

          • I think so too as the Panama Jack Resort is right next to The Royal. These are sister hotels that you can use your all-inclusive wristbands if staying at one or the other w/ the difference being The Royal is 18+ whereas Panama Jack includes children.

      • Why not have fun with it and wear your “Jack shirt”? Vacation is all about relaxing and having fun! I say wear your tropical shirts all you want. I’m going and I’m bringing a tropical print bikini and skirt. Fun fun!!

    • Thanks for your comments Tanya. We hope you have a great trip to Playa Del Carmen and you bring just the right stuff for your trip. It is a beautiful beach day today as we write this. You can see the sunrise on our Facebook page today.

  2. We had most of these things in our suitcases ready to go to Playa Del Carmen. We just need to get biodegradable sunscreen. See you soon.

  3. I will be in town on Sunday 🙂 First I will go to that cambio you suggested, if open, then what would you recommend we do for the first day ? We might not spend more than 2-3 days in Playa so it would be nice to take in the best of sites in 8-10h, if possible. Thank you once again.

    • Playa is all about walking on 5th Avenue and seeing the shops and sights. A nice beach club with relaxing could be in order. Inti Beach is a nice one between 4th and 6th Street. Playa Del Carmen is mainly about having a base to explore the area and appreciating the modern city with comforts of many restaurants, hotels and shopping. So if you are looking for just sights in the city, well it is mainly the beach and 5th Avenue. It is good to see 5th in the day and night since it changes in energy and there are street performers at night. There are things like the 3D museum , a few art shops and specialty stores, but not sure what your interest are. If there is something you might like, see the search box and see what pops up. Also our guide to 5th will point out some stuff to you. We hope you have a great time exploring.

  4. Thank you for already making our holidays more enjoyable with all this patience and free advices ! You are helping the tourism there a lot and the tourists too. Much appreciated.

    • Thank you for your comments Robert. We have some big ideas and way to help tourist and good businesses here for this year as well. It will be exciting to see how it goes. We hope you have a good trip.

  5. Hello there!
    could you please recommend good massage place or therapist(deep tissue,swedish massage) in Playa.
    Thank u.Cheers!

    • Sorry Mike. We don’t know enough of the massage people to recommend a good one. There are lots of people that do massage but often just on the cheap. We have never been to BRIC Spa on 5th near 10th Street. They might be a good place to check out.

  6. Hello Mr Yucatan, we are in Mexico, for a few days already, just wanted to say that we loved Playa, we are even giving it extra days, as it has soul, personality and a special feeling. In the same time, I’m dissapointed with Cancun, I was expecting it to be like Honolulu (Waikiki) but although the beach is wonderful, the hotel area side of the city seems just a wall of concrete enormous hotels separating the sea from the city, the distances are very big and there’s hardly any pedestrian friendly area except the malls (impressive ones). I couldn’t find there more than a few hours to spend, maybe we missed the important touristic point, if any other, please let me know. The downtown was ok, tried some food in Parque Las Palapas. And took a taxi from Kukulcan Plaza to Mayakoba, 750 pesos.

    • No, that is pretty much Cancun. That is why it is for package tourism and Playa is so different. You did. It miss really of the hidden”gems” of Cancun. You saw it!

  7. Also, could you please recommend a tequila ? Just bought Jose Cuervo, the reviews are not great, but I’m not a specialist 🙂
    As for food, I tried the Aguachiles restaurant in Playa, very good !

    • Jose Cuervo is for tourist. They have made a name but only deliver a very average product. For value you might consider Centenario brand. They have blanco and reposado. It just depends on your taste. I like white or blanco as it is called. A bottle is arounf 200-300 pesos and will get the job done. I swear it has more alcohol than Jose Cuervo but no according to the labeling.

  8. Thank you ! Today I used some of your photo location tips and especially took advantage of that gorgeous cenote / beach you mentioned, amazing ! Also went to Ah Cacao, as
    per your site, great choice ! And dinned at Loncheria Dona Mary, I don’t know if it’s on your list but maybe you should check it out, wonderful food!

    • Hello Robert
      There are several small cell phone stores on 30th Avenue in front of Mega that do screen repairs. There is also a little more professional repair store on 20th street and the corner of 25th Avenue. We don’t have a price but it is reasonable to do.

      • Gracias ! It looks brand new now, I used the location you gave me, on Calle 20/25, 1200 pesos to get it done, for an older model. I dont know if its cheap or expensive, but its way less than what they charge in Canada.

  9. Thank you very much ! It’s a silly question but in Canada it’s pretty expensive. I did Sian Kaan today, speechless !

    • That is great you got to Sian Kaan. Glad you were speachless. I hope e if you get your scre n replaced itnis a better deal. At least with the exchange rate it should be better now.

  10. Hi..I will be coming first week of march and staying at royal hideway. Two questions, is it humid that time of year? Like sticky hot humid and do like this hotel? It was between this and royal play del Carmen. And my neighbor loved the hideaway so I booked that but my travel agent said royal playa del Carmen…I wanted quiet and chill hideawaynseemed better. But now I’m worrried I didn’t make the right choice…any comments on the food at hideaway..thanks!

  11. you asked what not to bring if you have been there before ? first time i brought my husband… twelve years and one divorce later, I am going with my boyfriend ~ will let you know how it goes!~

    • HAHAHA Nice one. We hope your trip goes well this time and you put your boyfriend on the packing list next time.

  12. Hi Mr Y,
    If we were to bring treats from the USA for the staff at the resort where we are staying in May, what would be appreciated the most? We are also visiting a Mayan village on our trip and would like to bring treats… any suggestions? >

    • That is so nice of you to think of others. Home made cookies are always nice but not necessarily the easiest to carry. Most Mexican bakeries are full of traditional bakes good but not really sweeter cookies or brownies. If you come from an area with fudge or taffy, those would be rare items here. Another idea for Mayan community is pencils, art supplies or other things that kids can use to be creative. Sweets are always nice but things that encourage creativity and fun are good as well.

  13. Really helpful site, coming to Playa del Carmen in May for our honeymoon. Couldn’t be more excited. I always pack far too much , but this time I am going to try really hard and pack smart! See you all soon?

    • Congratulations Linda! We hope you have a great time here and bring just what you need. Maybe you will have a little space in your suitcase for a souvenir to mark the occasion.

  14. What kind of activities do you recommened for a big family? We are staying at Grand Mayan, going in June.

  15. Good tips! Coming in two weeks to Playa! Looking forward to it. We have been using your website for our planning.

  16. Hi! We are travelling to Riviera Maya from 17th June to 30th June. We are a couple with three children aged 5, 10 and 12. We thought of spending 4 days in Playa, 4 in Tulum, 2 in Cozumel and 2 in Cancun, where we will be taking our flifht home. We only have the plane tickets, so we’ll appreciate suggestions for accomodation and places to visit. We like peaceful places and the beach, that’s why we want to stay in a hotel, condo, flat, etc (any is ok for us) but we do want it ON the beach. We hope you can help us organize our trip. Thanks a lot!!!!

    • Hello Lorena
      One of the first things we have to offer is the traveling with kids guide in the Riviera Maya. It is more of an overview because there is so much here.
      Playa is fun because you can walk everywhere and there are activities for kids. Tulum along the beach is more boutique hotels and not exactly kid friendly so you might have to search a little for something you like. Having a car in Tulum is good because the Hotel Zone is 3 k from downtown and you have limited eating options in the Hotel Zone and with picky kids, even fewer options. Besides the beach in Tulum, cenotes and visiting Coba ruins or Muyil are good with kids. You will like our Tulum guide with things to do here: Cozumel is spread out and the town is nice but more for cruise ship people. It is nice for diving or snorkeling but the back side of Cozumel has very little beach. You might end up at a resort that is family friendly but it will be just like a resort in the Riviera Maya, so you might even skip Cozumel or make it a day trip from Playa Del Carmen. Cancun or Isla Mujeres can be a place you can stay. Isla Mujeres has golf carts and the kids for sure would love a trip driving around there with you. The north end of Isla is the place for the beach. WE hope this helps get you started. Let us know if you have some more questions and the specifics of your budget.

  17. My son and me will travel for the first time to Playa del Carmen, at all to Mexiko.I`m very happy, that we`ve found your tips – it will be very helpful, thank you so much.

  18. I am traveling 10-18-17 till the 23. How will the weather be? What is going on at this time of year? Would like to swim with the dolphins. Can you tell me if you have ever done this?

    • Hello Tonya

      October can include some rain so it is good to have a rain jacket or emergency poncho for the day you take a tour. We are familiar with swimming with the dolphins. We do not have any on our website because it controversial due to the care and containment of these wild animals. We predict that in the next few years they will close. Currently there are about 10 places in the Riviera Maya that have dolphins. They all have similar names and are all similar in type of tour.

  19. We are going Veterans weekend. Will it still be rainy season.? How much would a taxi cost from Grand Sunset Princess to 5th Avenue? Thanks

    • November is usually a tranquil time for the weather. The major threat of storms is over. A taxi from the Grand Princess to 5th Avenue is supposed to 240 pesos each way. We say supposed because often they ask for a different amount. Just check before getting in and have pesos ready. If you only have dollars make sure you agree to an amount and ask if they will accept dollars.

  20. Hello. Family of four. Son is 19 and daughter is 16. Can you recommend a restaurant to celebrate NYE 31 December 2017? This a great site for information. Thanks for your time.

    • Hello
      With younger children you might find some of the more traditional restaurants a better option. Many of the restaurants have not announced what they will be doing yet. One that might be nice is C Grill at the Thompson. It is beachfront and if there are fireworks you will have a front row. It is also amore calm place, meaning no rock bands or concerts going on. Most of the restaurants on 5th Avenue will be open for multiple settings on New Years Eve. So you have many to choose from.

  21. Hi Im leaving the 27th of nov staying at thr rui any tips im planing on scuna diving and hitting a few dance spots what is the dress code and where should I go. I am also thinking about exrete im also 34 fyi very out doors person.

  22. Stay close to beach for great fresh food… don’t fall for scammers stating they are your waiter from a hotel… Don’t go with him or her! Just returned and it has changed since 2015

  23. We are arriving February 26, for one week, what is the temperature like in the evening? Don’t want to overpack, but will a light sweater suffice? First winter getaway, so excited since we live in central Canada where it is freezing cold, I can’t wait to feel the warm sand.

    • You probably won’t need a light jacket at night if you are coming from Canada. It will feel spring or summer like. Locals sometimes where a light jacket at night and moreso when we have a norte which is a wind from the north. It you should have nothing to worry about except getting to the airport and back home in Canada.

  24. Hello. First of all, thank you very much for creating such a wonderful website with so much precious info :). We are planning either staying in airbnb or hostel. Would you recommend us to bring our laptops? Do you think its safe to leave our valuable in places we stay at? And when we go away and visit the cenote, do they have lockers so we can secure our stuffs?

    Thank you in advance!!!

    • Hello Sharon

      Airbnbs are overall a little more secure. Hostels sometimes have lockers but often it is not Mexico that is dangerous but other tourist that steal things in Hostels. Some cenotes have lockers but we would only leave car keys and sunglasses in them. Most cenotes do not have lockers though. We would say it depends on how long you are traveling and if you need to work online. If it is for a week, a smart phone can cover what you need and less weight and stress of having a laptop

  25. This website is great! My boyfriend and I are going to PDC on 11 May for 2 weeks at the Occidental Xcaret and I have a few questions please.
    Is it likely to be humid?
    I am worried about the distance between our hotel and the centre of PDC i.e. paying for taxi’s. Could you provide an estimate please?
    I have heard rumours of police stopping tourists and shaking them down. They plant drugs and then ask the tourists for money
    We are from England – Is it better to take dollars or pesos?
    Any views on the Occidental? Have you ever tried it?
    I am black – has there ever been any reported racism/problems against blacks? Are blacks regular tourists?

    • Hello Keya
      May is a hot month and more dry before the rains arrive in late May and early April. But most likely it will feel humid to you since you are from England. Your resort is near the beach and higher up then other resorts so the air flow will be a little better.
      The Occidental Xcaret is a nice resort. Not exactly young and energy, more families and older guest but it will be what you make it. There are swim up bars in the pools and you are close to Xcaret parks.
      Taxis are going to be around 220/300 one way to Playa.
      Just ask before getting in the price. We are sure you wont be coming every day to Playa so it will be worth it for a nice night out.
      The police stopping tourist is over rated. It does happen but that is for people driving and often people automaticlaly give them money to get out of a ticket. The proper way is just ask for the ticket if you did something wrong. Most of the time you do not get a ticket and you should not give money to police. We personaly have never heard of drugs planted on people but can imagine it happening in rare cases.
      There are not that many black people that visit the Riviera Maya. There is very little predijuce in Mexico. The only thing you might observe is when you are on 5th Avenue more people trying to sell you toruist souvenirs. Many black tourist from the States are more the type that arrive on crusise ships and the type that buy from them.
      There really is not much to worry about, just have fun and see the flamigos and birds at your resort. And dont buy a vacation package or timeshare unless you really realy really want it.

  26. Hello:
    Thank you!! I Found a lot of great tips here for ou trip.
    We are going this weekend to Playa del Carmen we want to go out (clubbing) what do you recommend to wear especially what type of shoes the ladies wear? we want to be comfortable but don’t want to be under dress.

    Thank you in advance!!

  27. I am vacationing in Playa Del Carmen for April break and this helped me and my mom to be ready!

  28. Hi My boyfriend and I will be in Playa del Carmen in a week … is it hot & humid at this time of the year. What should we pack.. Is it to hot for jeans!???

    • It is hot and humid, but locals will still wear jeans, and you will think “that is crazy”. Shorts are best and more comfortable. Light cotton for shirts is best and just enjoy the warm weather and humid conditions. It is good for your skin! You don’t need moisturizer.

  29. hi I am travelling to P.D C on Thursday I have read all week that its been raining is this correct as I am abit concerned what to pack, also is it safe in P.D.C I have also read a few things that are quite frightening any info much appreciated thank you

    • Hello Debbie

      The weather forecast are not as accurate as other places in the world since there are less weather stations and the tropics can be a bit unpredictable. With the recent storm, it has taken a lot of the heat and rain out of the area. This time if year, when it gets hot, the energy builds and then it rains. So not all day and only when this cycle is starting up.
      As for news coming from Playa, there has been an uptick in reports of crime. As a visitor you will most likely not even notice or think about it. A majority of the crime is in local areas that involve locals. Anything that cana happen to tourist usually involves drinking at a bar, trying to buy substances or getting involved in shady people. 96% of problems can be eliminated if you are going to avoid those situations. We have a full article on safety here that we update.

  30. I am traveling to Playa Del Carmen for the first time in November. Is a Sundress dressy enough for “fancy” places? also, would love to visit some markets or street shops for those unique items but with the safety issues is there somewhere else you recommend that would be a great place to get unique souvenirs? such as a pretty sundress, etc. Is there a worry for mosquitos? I have begun to get welts in the states from skeeter bites. lol sorry about all the questions- very excited

    • Hello Amy

      A sundress is perfectly fine for all the nicer restaurants. You don’t have to worry about safety really on 5th Avenue or in the downtown. There are about 10,000 people a day that walk it and have no issues. Common senses is the only thing you need. For mosquitos you don’t have to worry about them on 5th Avenue but it will depend on where you stay. Some restaurants with gardens can have them. Most hotels do control them well.

  31. Hi there,
    We are traveling to Playa 11/8. What should we expect for weather? Also we like to explore and would love to swim in Cenotes. Can you recommend any and fun place to explore. My 19 year old son will be coming with us and hes never been to Mexico before. We want to show him a good time. Thanks

  32. We have been to PDC several years, and always shop at Walmart for groceries, like you say. And it’s good for beach gear. Can you get boogie boards, swim shirts, toys at Mega?

    • There are less things like this ar Mega. Boogie boards are a hit or miss item. There are inflatable toys and water toys at Mega. For swim shirts they usually have a few.

  33. Hi…First off this is the best site I have found for all info on Playa Del Carmen. LOVE your videos, everything has been so helpful. We are traveling May 12 – 16 and staying at Hotel Xcaret. Your video on the hotel definitely sealed the deal for us on this hotel. Been checking the weather and unfortunately seeing rain in the forecast :/ We have our list of things to do when it rains thanks to your page but my question is what to pack for the rain? What does someone typically wear on a raining day on the Playa? I’m from Southern California so I’m sure we have different ideas about rain gear. My goal is not to look like a ridiculous tourist but at the same time to stay dry and comfortable. Should I bring an umbrella or some kind of hooded jacket?…………Help

    • Hello Michelle

      Since streets can puddle or pool up, sandals are good to wear. Sneakers can get soaked just walking around. Most of the time when it shows rain in the forecast, it only rains for a hour or two. A small rain poncho is easy to slip in your bag. Most people just dress light and walk when the rain stops.

  34. Bring towel clips. You don’t need to bring towels but towel clips are very handy to keep your towel in place when you go in the water. The trade winds can be blustery at times. I have been bringing them for the last 4-5 years and it is something I still cannot find at the souvenir shops. I also like to bring a Yeti cup with reusable straw to hold my frozen concoctions. You can buy insulated cups there but nothing keeps cold drinks cold on the beach like a Yeti, IMHO, and straws aren’t provided in many places anymore! These are my packing staples along with the other things you mentioned.

  35. Hi, Is it better to tip ot bring caps, toothpaste, hair braids, clothes, gum, candy, colouting books, etc. to give as an alternative for gifts? Is tipping really necessary? I heard it is part of the price we pay for our vacation package form the airline?

  36. Great travel tips to the area! The weather looks warm but with thundershowers all seven days of my vacation next week. I’d love any travel packing advice that differs from your previous recommendations for all of the sunny beach weather.

    • It usually rains for a hour a day if that so you can avoid the rain a lot. A simple rain poncho is easy to pack and use if needed. These come in handy in tours to ruins. Shoes that are sandals that work when wet work well. Often after a heavy rain there can be puddles or large puddles. Shoes that don’t matter if they get wet are good. We hope the best for your weather and trip.

    • There is nothing inherently wrong with them but you will be easy to pick out of people walking 5th as a tourist and will be hit up with more offers of everything from “come see my shop” to “anything for the party?” We are all judged somewhat on how we look and people selling things in Playa have hours of practice everyday.

  37. As a person who works in the travel industry and travels to Playa del Carmen(going in June) I would advise anyone leaving the country to have a Passport….. even if it is not required because it can save you lots of money and trouble if you have to go into a hospital or have a legal issue or other things. Do not keep the passport on your person once you arrive at your room….lock it in a safe or hide it. You should however have a copy of your passport on your person in case it is needed.

  38. Hello. This will be my first time visiting Mexico. Do you know anything about artisan playa paraiso carretera. Also what are some good things to do in that area. We will be visiting in may for one week

    • Hello

      The Artisan hotels are good design and upper middle class bookings. The hotel you mention is in the middle of the Rivera Maya but not within walking distance of anything. So a car will be needed or a lot of taxis. This Artisan Hotel is not our favorite for this reason. It is the type of hotel you stay at and never leave, just to crash for a while, but this means you are hostage to what services they have. For activities, check out our guide here.

    • It can get down to the 60’s at night but if you are not going to be out late and you usually can see if a cold front will pass the week you will be coming. There is about a 20% chance of it being chilly at night.

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