What is going on with the Tulum real estate market in 2023?

Everything from new condos, infrastructure and investing in Tulum

Tulum real estate

A look at the Tulum real estate market

The Tulum real estate market has been very active for the past few years. Even with the pandemic, it seems like eve more people have been interested in buying in Tulum. If you have not been to Tulum recently, you will be very surprised to see what seems like an entire city being built. Whole neighborhoods and sections of Tulum are being developed. The master plans in effect have made the Tulum real estate market huge and very active. If you have been looking to invest in the Riviera Maya, it is important to look at both Playa Del Carmen real estate and Tulum since these two large markets are linked and, in some ways, overlap.

We recently spent a lot of time in Tulum visiting construction sites, touring new condos and talking to residents and realtors to get a pulse with what is going on with real estate in Tulum. Since many of our readers have asked us about investing in the area, we wanted to show you from the ground here what is happening. Below you will find our video showing just how much development is going on and how this is affecting real estate in Tulum.

Note: We have updated this article with a new video about Tulum and the real estate market there for 2024. The video and information below still has a lot of information that is helpful, so we have left this online. 

Our video of what is going on in Tulum now

In this video we packed a lot of information. It is long but we hope you find it informative. This is an updated video for 2024.  Here is just a sample of some of the topics we cover:

  • Who is buying in Tulum?
  • Why the real estate market is growing so fast.
  • What are the areas where people are buying?
  • What is Aldea Zama like?
  • How is the ROI and occupancy rates.
  • What is going on with infrastructure in Tulum?


Why is Tulum such a hot spot for real estate now?

Mention Tulum to anyone and people automatically think of the Mayan ruins and beautiful beaches. Then there are cenotes and lots of eco chic hotels that you probably have seen in photos especially on Instagram. Tulum is a naturally beautiful place that has been attracting people for some time now. See our guide on the best things to see around Tulum.

In recent years Tulum has gone upscale as more people have discovered it and Tulum’s reputation as a beautiful spot has grown. What once was a backpacker’s beach with cabins is now a playground for celebrities and people searching for that perfect vibe of Caribbean mixed with bohemian chic.

Compared to other places on the Riviera Maya in Mexico, Tulum has been fairly small and not as developed. There are no large hotels along the beachfront and many parts of the area are nature reserves and national parks. The supply and demand made the beach area or “hotel zone” very popular and more exclusive. It also made the downtown start to infill with higher end condos and boutique hotels.

 Demand from many markets

The demand of people coming to Tulum has increased exponentially in the past few years. Not only are the tourism numbers up, so is the income level of people coming. The upscale tourist market is booming in Tulum and these future residents and tourists are looking for luxury “Tulum chic” places to stay. With plans for development already for the next half decade, word is out that Tulum is still becoming a top destination. This is all pushing the Tulum real estate market.

How did the real estate market in Tulum fair during covid and quarantines?

This was a very surprising thing to see, with many countries closed and jitters in the financial markets, Tulum real estate did not miss a beat. In fact, it was a big year for investors in the Tulum area. There were five main factors that lead to a banner year for sales in Tulum that continues. They are as follows:

  1. Mexico never officially closed its borders, so this meant that many people in Mexico, traveling in nearby countries and also people wanting to hunker down somewhere, came to or stayed in Mexico. Tulum was a popular spot for people to rent longer term because of the weather, services and beaches. This raised occupancy rates of condos, Airbnb’s, and rentals. This meant it was a great year for most investors with rentals in Tulum.  
  2. The pandemic had a stirring effect on real estate all over the world. Many people wanted to move or have a place that they wanted to be. Of course, Mexico, the Caribbean and a town like Tulum were all ideal for people to move to or plan to move to in the near future. 
  3. At the beginning of the pandemic the markets fluctuated greatly including the currency markets. The Mexican peso dropped in value against the USD. This moved many Mexican investors to purchase real estate in Tulum. Real estate in Mexico has always been to safe haven for investment during times to uncertainty. 
  4. Construction only paused for a month or so on most projects. This meant that the market continued to deliver units and projects continued to be sold. 
  5. As more jobs went online and people worked remotely, this meant that more and more people could come to Mexico to “work” and also enjoy the lifestyle of Tulum. This trend filled rentals and stoked the real estate market. This trend does not look like it will slow down as the way we all work has changed in some ways. 

So, these five factors really drove the market through 2021 and into 2022.  It looks like Tulum will continue to be a popular place for both people to purchase and also rent. 

What are new condos in Tulum like?

We went around Tulum to look at new condos. There is definitely a Tulum style evolving. See if you notice in our video. 


tulum real estate market
The naturally beautiful beaches of Tulum. Just one of the reason people are flocking to the area.

What areas of Tulum are being developed?

We can divide Tulum into several main parts. These are:

  • The downtown of Tulum
  • Beach zone
  • La Veleta
  • Aldea Zama
  • Selvazama
  • Tulum 101
  • Region 15 and 8
  • Avenida Coba
  • Tulum ruins area
  • Road leading to Coba from Tulum (109)

Let’s break these areas down and talk about the real estate market in each one. You might like our video below where we drive around Tulum to see what areas are like


Downtown Tulum real estate market

The downtown of Tulum is more the business area concentrated along the 307 Highway. This area has seen a boom in small hotels, hostels, restaurants and shops in the past few years. Since there is limited options for shopping and dining along the beach road, the downtown is the next stop for a lot of people staying in Tulum at the beach. It is also a place for people to stay since it is in general a more affordable area for visitors.

The west side of downtown is more residential for locals. There is a need for more affordable housing as the construction boom has brought in workers from the surrounding areas. All of these workers need housing. This has bumped up rents in Tulum. Although there is demand for more affordable housing, the bulk of new construction is for the upscale rental market and that is not happening much on the western side of the highway.

The Hotel Zone of Tulum

There are no residential projects at the beach in Tulum. It is strictly from smaller hotels and small shops and restaurants. So the real estate market here is not really for most people looking to invest in Tulum.

tulum real estate market
One of the high-end boutique hotels in the hotel zone of Tulum Mexico.

La Veleta area of Tulum

This is the southern end of the downtown of Tulum. Just in the past few years this area has opened up to development. If you visit now, you will see a very mixed bag of high-end houses, condo buildings, dirt streets, jungle, and local houses. This is kind of the wild west of the Tulum real estate market. Here you can find more affordable lots and space for standalone house, but you do need to have a vision of what this area will look like in a few years. You also might not have full access to services because of lack of infrastructure in this area.

Aldea Zama

The majority of new development is now going on in this area. Aldea Zama is a large area of newly opened land for development. It is being divided up between developers which is interconnected with planned roads and services.

Aldea Zama is the section between the beach and the downtown of Tulum. This is a green planned section of Tulum with sidewalks, pedestrian streets and small businesses dotting this new neighborhood. If you visit this area now you might just be stricken how much it looks like an entire city is being built here.

Most of the development is condos and some boutique hotels. Most of the buildings here are three to four stories tall and match the tree line. Little by little this master plan has been unfolding for this area. There is still years of planned areas and services that are planed so it will be interesting to see how this area develops over the next half decade.

tulum real estate market
The type of modern buildings being built in the Tulum real estate market now. You can see the mixed-use concept here with condos and small businesses below.

Selvazama are of Tulum

This is the lower part of Aldea Zama. You could say this is the second phase of Aldea Zama. It roughly goes between the beach road up to Aldea Zama. Because this is prime location for real estate, well designed condos and some important developments are planned for this area. 

Tulum 101

This is a half-circle piece of land facing Avenida Coba. This will have commercial spaces along the Avenida Coba side and residential properties further back from the main avenue. This is also considered a prime area. 

Avenida Coba in Tulum

This was the only beach access road in all of Tulum until recently. This area is slated to be more of a commercial corridor. Some hotels will be built there and commercial spaces will line both sides of this avenue. 

Region 15 and 8

These two areas are between the Hotel Zone and La Veleta on the south end of Tulum. Since the new beach road access goes through these areas, values have risen considerably. These two areas are more regulated than the development in La Veleta. Of the two regions, Region 8 will be the more exclusive since density will be less and it is closest to the beach. 

Tulum ruins area 

Between Avenida Coba and the ruins there are some lots that will be built on. Some of these will be houses, which is pretty rare in Tulum. This area is popular for the proximity to the beach, Avenida Coba and the downtown of Tulum. 

Road leading to Coba

This area has pretty much been considered “out of Tulum”. It is mostly wooded area and a few areas have divided land into lots to be sold to people looking for a natural lot. There are not too many developments on this route out of the town. This area is more for the long-term investor since this area does not have many services. It is also poised to be more developed in the future and not immediately.

We will note that there have been several eco developments where lots are sold on this route. Many of these developments do not take off and are more for people that are land banking. You can see several of these “eco communities” just driving along the road. There will be an entrance with gate but not much more than that.

What are the differences in the areas being developed in Tulum?

The main areas people are going to be looking in are La Veleta and Aldea Zama. These two areas contain about 71% of the new construction in the Tulum real estate market. Of that 71% a larger bulk is in Aldea Zama. This soon will be changing as areas of Selvazama, Region 15 and Region 8 come online, and more projects get started. 

La Veleta has been divided up into lots and streets but is further behind in development than Aldea Zama. Sewer systems and services are still being worked on in La Veleta. This area is also considered to be further out of the center of Tulum, but this is changing as the new beach access road opened on the south end of Tulum.

Things to keep in mind as an investor in Tulum

  • Tulum is developing at a rapid pace, and you will need some vision and foresight to a make a good investment.
  • Since most people are looking for an investment, it is good to look at trends of what people look for in a rental and where people are renting (even within Tulum limits).
  • Check out this research tool that serious investors can use for a lot of data about real estate in Tulum.
  • Make sure you are investing in a sustainable project that is going to preserve the natural environment of Tulum.
  • If the building you are investing is does not have a management service, finding a good property manager is key to success.
  • If buying pre-sale make sure the developer has an established reputation.

Infrastructure in Tulum

Since Tulum is still developing anyone looking to invest should be considering how the infrastructure is. It is still a mixed bag of what is available, and services are not equal throughout Tulum. The good news is that in the newer parts of Tulum like Aldea Zama, there is a sewer system in place, underground cables and access to internet.

Water services, internet and cell services can be limited in Tulum. They are improving but each area of Tulum is different. You can always follow news and updates from the official Tulum government website.

For transportation in Tulum see our guide here for information on how to get around. This will give you some idea what infrastructure is available for residents and guest.

Beachfront properties in Tulum

One of the first questions from people interested in real estate in Tulum is the availability of something beachfront. The way Tulum is laid out, most of the beachfront is covered by hotels, is untitled land, or part of a national park. There are properties with an ocean view in Tulum and some opportunities just outside of town. Beachfront properties are highly sought after and is a most exclusive market. Normally there are only about 60 at a time in the real estate market for sale. To learn more about beachfront real estate, see our article here and our video below. 


Tourism infrastructure of services for people coming to live or stay in Tulum

If you are going to be investing in the Tulum real estate market, you will want to know what Tulum has to offer for you and visitors. Besides just infrastructure for services, what about restaurants, shopping and quality of life? Here is a little more about that.

Tulum has excelled in restaurants. It offers some of the finest chefs in Mexico and its beach restaurants have captivated many awards. Since the level of tourism is so high the level of restaurants has risen to match it. In fact, you can find more gourmet cafes and shops then Playa Del Carmen, which is a larger city. A few years ago, thinking about getting a good latte in the jungle area called Tulum was a crazy idea. Now you can get some of the best on every street.

tulum real estate market
A furniture and design store and café in Tulum.

Shopping in Tulum

Tulum offers a chic and bohemian shopping experience. Local made hammocks, baskets and things made from tropical hardwoods are all available. Guest to Tulum can enjoy small boutiques along the beach road or some of the more traditional souvenirs in Tulum town.

Financing options for real estate in Tulum

For a detailed look at financing options in Mexico, see our article here. We will say that in general Mexico is a cash market when it comes to buying real estate. Some developers will offer payment plans, so it is good to see what options you have. 

What is the buying process in Mexico? 

We have a guide with videos from local real estate experts that help explain the process of buying in Mexico. It is a little different than other countries, but there are some benefits that help out and lower costs of ownership. We discuss everything in this article, 

Getting to and from Tulum to the Cancun Airport

Access to Tulum from the Cancun Airport is pretty streamlined. See our guide on how to get from the Cancun Airport to Tulum for all the details.

Are you interested in investing in Tulum?

Anyone looking to invest in the area should do the research to make a wise investment. We hope with our articles and recommended people to work with that you get off to a good start. Since we don’t sell real estate here at our website, we do like to give a more matter of fact approach and give our honest opinions.

If you would like to talk to Sebastian who appears in this video, and is on our recommended realtors list, you can email him below. We will also be adding more Tulum realtors that come with recommendations from our readers and are doing a good job with clients.

realtors Playa Del Carmentulum real estate

Thank you for reading our guide to what is going on in the Tulum real estate market. If you have any questions or comments for us, let us know below in the comment section. 

Alternatives to the Tulum Real Estate Market

We also have this video about real estate in Playa Del Carmen. This is another market similar to Tulum. 

If you like the vibe of Tulum but it has gotten too big for you and you want a little more natural setting, you might like Bacalar. This area is about two hours south of Tulum and is starting to see some of the same developers as Tulum working on projects there. Here is our article about real estate in Bacalar and what is going on there now. We also have a video below. 


About The Author


  1. Tulum has always been one of my favorite places. I am glad that more infrastructure is being added and there is such a focus on green building and conserving the enviroment. I hope they do a better job than Playa Del Carmen. I dont know how the beach can handle all the extra people but I do see a trend of less focus on the beach and more on cenotes, restaurants and the luxury condos themselves. The new condos in Tulum are pretty extreme and cutting edge in design. It will be exciting to see how Tulum developes.

  2. It is too bad you dont have this information in Spanish. This is detailed stuff that would help investors. It is hard to find informaiton that is nonbiased in Spanish. The only things I see are realtors with glossy photos and computer animated buildings that have not been built yet. Almost all models are surrounded by trees and it is hard to know what new condos are going to be like.

  3. I remember driving the road to Coba and there was nothing. Now it is filled with artisans and small towns that are growing. Even the new highway from Playa to Chichen Itza did not damage the growth in the area. Tulum is really improving for quality of life. I also remember the one sad supermarket there and not much else. All the business owners had to go to Playa or Cancun to do shopping. Now Tulum has a better grocery store then Playa with the modern Chedraui.

  4. I follow all your articles about real estate in the area and really appreciate your focus on Tulum. The last time we were there we saw all the billboards but did not think that Aldea Zama was open to the public so we did not go in. Tulum is certainly growing and real estate in Tulum has gone crazy in the past few years. Almost everywhere you look there is some construction.

  5. We invested in Playa Del Carmen several years ago but have seen a shift of upper level renters to Tulum. We have been looking there to move some of our investment there. There is a lot of good information in the video and practical information in the article.

  6. Oh no you are letting the secret out! Tulum has been a great place both as a vacation spot and for renting our two condos there. We have been almost fully booked 5 months of the year. I hope things continue to sustainably develop. I am glad to hear the realtor here talk about working with only good developers. Not all projects in Tulum are as environmentally green as they seem.

  7. Years ago when there was a lot of lots for sale in Tulum I doubted why so many people were buying in a place that had very little except the beach. Tulum has certainly grown and so has the tourist market there. Despite being further from the airport the tourist flock there and have made all the original people that bought there very happy. Investing is part foreseeing the future and going to new frontiers. I think Tulum is still growing and will grow for a few years yet to come.

  8. Another option that I might have to consider. I have been looking to buy a new condo in the Riviera Maya. I had no idea that Tulum was taking off so much. You really get limited views of what is going on inside Aldea Zama. I was not sure if that was one development or just lots for sale. Thanks for the informative video.

  9. We are planning on coming down to Tulum this summer to look around at real estate. The stylish condos being built in Tulum now are much more our style then those in Playa del Carmen and Cancun is totally not our scene. I hope to scan some sites to see what is being built so we can get an idea of what is available.

  10. I just got back from Tulum and was really surprised how much building is going on there. I biked around Aldea Zama, it is like a green city going in. It will be interesting to see how it develops.

  11. At first glance it’s impossible to sort through the amount of places for sale and what is going to be ready this year or the next. I liked several units I saw but they were sold months before and only shown as examples of what the developer was doing. Construction in Mexico is totally different, so a good agent will explaing what is good techniques and construction and what to look for. Not all condos are equal and you want a good builder.

  12. I have been thinking about Tulum for a while now as I have seen Playa Del Carmen change and so has Tulum. I remember when Tulum had one super market and not much more going for it. It has really collected a like minded gente from around the world and is somewhere where I want to invest. Thank you for the video as it was helpful to me.

  13. Hello
    I really like your articles and posts. Would you mind giving me your thoughts on gmb’s tuk tulum?
    Thank you

    • That building is central to both the beach and downtown plus really great access to the supermarket! GMB has been working in the Riviera Maya and partners with different developers. So they have a decent reputation but often delivers late on projects. That is common and often stated in the contracts that they have 60/90 days to hand over the property after due date. So check the fine print. The management is where the devil is in the details. Most people are looking to live part of the year and rent the rest of the time. We are not sure what types of management services or how that is going to work with that building. If you have a buyers agent, not a GMB sales person, they will be able to give you more advice and options so you can make a good purchase. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

  14. holA felicitaciones por tus articulos son una biblia para los amantes de la Riviera Maya!!
    estoy interesado en el proyecto Menesse Tulum que esta en Calle Asteroide, Tulum Centro, Col Huracanes.
    como ven ese proyecto?? como es la ubicacion?? creen que esa zona va ser buena en un futuro para rentas vacacionales??

    • ¡Gracias por leer el sitio web! Ahora a su pregunta de condominio. La zona es buena porque está entre la playa y el centro. Está cerca del supermercado también. El diseño del edificio es agradable. Hemos escuchado de algunas personas que les han comprado que no están haciendo los retornos que esperaban. Esta compañía ha construido muchas unidades en Playa y Tulum. Se reducirá a los detalles de la gestión y cómo se comparan con otros proyectos. Sebastian es muy bueno con los proyectos actuales y puede explicar mejor los diferentes tipos de servicios de gestión y cómo funcionan en Tulum. Siempre puedes consultar con él sobre esto. Su correo electrónico está en el artículo aquí.

  15. gracias por tu rapida respueta, pero queria saber por tu esperiencia en Tulum si la zona va ser buena en un futuro para rentas vacacionales o es una zona marginal donde no hay servicios? desde google maps no se ve mucho…
    el nivel de violencia??

    • Aquí hay varios pensamientos sobre la ubicación. Ese camino está en el centro entre el pueblo y la playa. La gente puede andar en bicicleta a la playa a lo largo del sendero. Es el único camino a la playa en este momento. Hay un camino propuesto más, pero no está abierto. Es posible que no se abra porque hay complicaciones. A muchas personas les gusta Aldea Zama porque es como un vecindario separado y es más verde. Esta propiedad que está viendo no está en ella, pero está cerca. Tulum es un área pequeña por la que muchas personas se desplazan en bicicleta. Desde este edificio, las personas tendrían que tomar un taxi a algunos de los restaurantes o caminar por el centro de la ciudad. A medida que Tulum crezca, habrá más problemas, como pequeños robos y si muchas personas quieren divertirse con las drogas. Al igual que cualquier destino turístico, hay dolores de crecimiento y las cosas tienen que adaptarse. El crimen ahora no está en niveles que preocupan a la mayoría de las personas, pero no está 100% libre de problemas.

  16. hola y feliz ano nuevo!!y que sigan con este buen trabajo!!!queria algunas info….me han propuesto Nook tulum que estan construyendo en Tulum beach cerca del otro camino que estan abriendo hacia la playa en Tulum. Puede ser una buena ubicacion como desarrollo para rentas vacacionales?? es una buena zona?? hay servicios?? seria una buena inversion?? tienes info sobre la zona y el desarrollador??
    gracias de antemano

    • Hola. Gracias por escribirnos. Se supone que el camino se abre pero no está garantizado. Esto significa que ahora, está lejos de la playa y de la mayoría de las cosas. Yo personalmente no querría alquilar allí porque no es conveniente para una semana de vacaciones. Necesita un automóvil o irá en bicicleta y tomará taxis todo el tiempo. Quizás en el futuro será mejor a medida que Tulum se desarrolle. Por lo tanto, este edificio podría tener que ser una inversión a más largo plazo. Además, es importante pensar en la señal del teléfono celular e internet. No conocemos a ese desarrollador, pero es importante preguntar acerca de la sostenibilidad y los servicios de alcantarillado y agua. Aldea Zama tiene todos los servicios agregados. Esto significa que es más sostenible y ayudará a mantener limpio a Tulum. Una buena persona para preguntar es Sebastian en nuestro video y artículos. Trabaja mucho en el área y conoce todos los desarrollos. Su contacto de correo electrónico está en el artículo si desea hablar con él.

  17. I am interested in a condo in Tulum, maybe a studio or one bedroom. What are the average prices of these now? I can buy presale in cash if that helps.

    • Hello Kelly

      Most studios or one bedroom condos are going for about $160,000-$180,000. You can find some condos outside of this range though. Presale can get you a discount or just more options on how you want it finished off. Some condo buildings are so popular that 30/40% are sold before the project goes public. These are often sold to agents and people that work with the developer. Presale units are also a good way to get the more desirable views. Most sales are cash and some allow several payments and a final payment upon delivery.

  18. I really like all the details in the video. I think it is very conclusive and really helps me make a move. I was originally thinking of Playa del Carmen but am sold on Tulum. I have visited there but not as a potential person to buy. I am glad it is doing well and developing as a more eco friendly location.

    • Hello Kathy

      Tulum has a medical clinic that serves as a base for medical care. This is not a hospital but can care for minor accidents. There is ambulance service to Playa Del Carmen where there are numerous hospitals. Hospiten is the biggest and one of the ones most used by foreigners. It takes about 40 minutes to get to Playa by ambulance. For more complex surgery and medical care, Merida in Yucatan state has excellent service at Star Medica. They are well know for great service. This is about 4 hours from Tulum, but is normally something planned for a visit.

  19. I was in Tulum this past June and it was really busy with tourists and I think it will be one of the places where many people are going to continue to go because it has developed its own culture.

  20. Thank you for the info. Does anyone have an older condo for rent or for sale? I am looking for something I might remodel and live most of the year in Tulum.

    • Hello Sal

      It is very hard to find a condo that needs renovation since most places have been built in the past 10 years. Also used things including car, furniture, and houses all sell for close to new. The flip market for real estate is almost non existent here in Mexico.

  21. We just got back from Tulum and took a tour with Sebastian from the videos. He was very informed on what was going on and what properties had to offer. We felt really good after the tour and our fact finding trip. Tulum is really changing and we look forward to spending time each year visiting in our new place.

  22. I bought some land in Tulum 5 years ago and just sold it for a lot more than I bought it. The returns on good purchases can be good especially for those that know what they are doing.

  23. Great info. I was thinking about Playa doe a condo but have realized that Tulum is a much hotter market now and will do more for my investment. I was thinking of living in Playa also and want a place there for me. Will you please drop me a e-mail?

    • Hello James

      We will send you an email with more information and some contacts so you can start your property search.

  24. I googeled some places for sale in Tulum. It is a large market with so many renders looking the same, it is hard to sort through them. I am looking for a two bedroom unit with good views and two or three baths that will be ready in June 2021 for move in. My budget is about 350k Let me know if you have any good leads for me. Thanks.

    • Hello Patty

      We have sent you an email with some more details. It is daunting at first when you see a lot of similar looking units, but there are some things to look for as we explained in the email. We wish you the best with your property hunt in Tulum.

  25. Fairly insightful info about Tulum. I have been down before for a vacation but now looking for a piece of land to develop. I am thinking about 6 condos but more for a long term situation since there is a lack of affordable housing in Tulum.

    • Hello

      Tulum has been a popular destination and is getting more expensive all the time. People going to Tulum on average have higher spending ability. The market has shifted firmly in the more luxurious. Playa does appeal to all levels of renters and tourists and it depends on where you buy as far a s ROI. In general though Tulum is offering better returns for many investors.

  26. Good thorough coverage of what it is like in Tulum. I have been looking on and off for three years and I kick myself all the time when I did not buy back when I started looking. Places have gotten very creative and there are a lot more options, but they still sell fast.

  27. I reached out to Sebastian’s firm because of your videos. They called me on a Thursday night to find out what I was looking for, gave me some options the next morning, and had an offer letter to a developer the next Sunday. Yes, three days. Talk about fast! I’m so excited for it to be built and am really impressed so far with the service I received. Thank you for helping me with my research.

  28. I am looking into Tulum and wonder what area I should look at. I see a lot of new condos on the Coba road, but don’t know if that area will fill in or always be sort of out of town. Let me know what you think.

    • Hello Miguel

      Tulum is more aligned between the 307 and the beach. This area will always be more popular since it is accessible to the beach area. Going toward Gran Cenote there are more condos going up, but these will always rent for less be better for longer term stays. We do see more filling in, but that means it still with only be one road to the center of town.

  29. This is a good comprehensive article and video that I have not seen other places. I like how you cover this topic and provide and lot of good resources.

  30. If anyone has driven the road to Coba before, you might not recognize it now. There are so many developments going up. That road is going to become traffic traffic traffic. I hope they put in a bike lane for the people that want to visit the cenotes because it is getting a bit crowded.

  31. We were just in Tulum and saw so many places in construction. It helps to have someone limit the options to the best ones for your interest. We wanted something for us to live in, so our requirements were for a quieter place.

  32. I notice that you took this video a few years back. What has changed in Tulum recently? How is the market now? Are people still making a lot on rent?

    • Hello Steph

      Yes, we did film this back a few years ago. The information is still correct for the basic information regarding the market. After the covid closures, more countries are open for tourism, so rentals are down for Tulum. This has cooled the market a little. There is a lot of construction still and it has become necessary to select well if you are looking to rent out units.

  33. I think this is one of the most informative videos I have seen about Tulum. It is hard to get good information about the market.

  34. I have a question about buying in Tulum. How long does the process take? If I find something that is ready and want to buy it, what time frame am I looking at?

  35. I really like your videos. They are not all glitzy sales promotions, but rather contain a lot of helpful information about Tulum and what is going on in the area.

    • Thank you for saying that Greg. You might have already seen it, but we have updated this article and video for 2024. We hope the new video is also helpful for you. We have a lot about new projects in Tulum there.

  36. My family just got back from Tulum. I was surprised at how much construction is going on. It is not recognizable from a few years ago. There are many incredible buildings, but also lots of noise and construction.

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