Public Bus Information for Playa Del Carmen

public transportation playa del carmen
What the public busses look like in Playa Del Carmen.

Public Transportation and Buses in Playa Del Carmen

Playa Del Carmen does have a bus system but rarely will you need to use. This it because it usually just takes people back home to neighborhoods and there are not tourist destinations or areas of interest to see outside of the downtown  of Playa. Here is a small guide for knowing where it goes and how to use it.

If you are a tourist or living here you might only find it useful to go to one of the shopping malls. The two shopping malls are Plaza Las Americas and Centro Maya. You might take the bus because if you are one or two people the busses can take you there for just 7-10 pesos each compared to 40-60 pesos in a taxi. (See taxi guide with price chart)


Public buses Playa Del Carmen
Prices of public buses in Playa Del Carmen.

Public bus map for Playa Del Carmen

Believe it or not we have never seen a map anywhere of the bus routes except in one magazine, so we tried to get the best image possible to put here. You can get an idea by looking at the colored lines as to where each bus goes. Even this map is outdated because the city keeps growing and new neighborhoods are added.

Public Bus Map For Playa Del Carmen
Here is a bus map for Playa Del Carmen

There are two types of busses that run in Playa. One is the Tusca bus. This type of bus is larger and has seating and standing room. You pay when you get on and exit the rear of the bus when possible. To get off press the buzzer and the driver will let you off at the next stop. The other is the smaller van colectivos. These are faster because they take less people but they can get full with standing room only and can be especially miserable when it is hot. To let the driver know you want to get off, you just yell out “bajan” which means I want to get off or down from the bus.

Neither bus type has air conditioning or is handicap accessible.

How much are public buses in Playa Del Carmen?

Both types of buses are the same price. It is 7 pesos in the center and 10 pesos for outer areas of Playa Del Carmen. Try to carry small coins. The drivers will give you change but only within reason and it is always appreciated if you have exact change.

Where do buses in Playa Del Carmen stop and where do they go?

Almost every bus travels down the center of Playa Del Carmen on 30th Avenue (this is why we tell people not to bike on 30th Avenue). From here the buses disperse into the neighborhoods and go their separate ways. All the busses in the outer areas of Playa come to the center.

Look for the sign on the sidewalk Paradero Servicio Urbano to note where the busses pick up people. In some outer areas people just know where to stand to get the bus and if you are lost just wave your arm to see if the bus will pick you up.

When a bus approaches there will be white hand written letters on the windshield. This will tell you where it is going  and in general the destinations at both end of the routes but if you are not sure be sure to ask before getting on if they go to where you want to go.

Tip: If you are going to the extreme south end (like the Liverpool Department Store) or the north end of Playa along the highway, you can take the colectivo to Tulum or Playa Express. This will cost a little more but can be faster.

Public Bus in Playa Del Carmen
Bus stop sign in Playa Del Carmen.


Public Bus in Playa Del Carmen
This is how you tell where a public bus in Playa Del Carmen is going.


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  1. Thanks for the info. We just moved to Playa and live in a fracionmento. I need to figure out busses because I m without car for a while.

  2. This is what I was looking for but I have trouble to understand it fully. I see the buses around Plaza Las Americas going north to Real Ibiza residential complex where I live and all have the centro written at the last line on the bottom of the windshield. And then I see the 30/30 something. Where is the thirty thirty place? I know it is the avenue 30 but then not sure where the centro exactly is from there? Does it get any closer to the 5th avenue near the Playacar starting point? Where should I get off the bus to be closest to the 5th avenue or Playacar entrance point near Paseo Del Carmen area? Thanks upfront for pointing me in the right direction. I am scared to get in to a place I don´t know and can get easily lost…

    • Hello Paul. The closest any bus will get to the entrance of Playacar is Juarez and 30th Avenue. It is still a walk there and you might as well take a taxi from where you are there. It will save a lot of time. Unless you need to do this often, a taxi will be better. 30/30 usually refers to the north end of 30th Avenue.

  3. Hello, on the bus map we see colors for the bus lines where are those colors on the bus. Il only saw white letters in the windshield?

    • The busses only have hand written signs on the windshield. It is not the most user friendly way of transportation. Locals just know how to interoperate the destinations. If you are unsure you can always ask someone at the bus stop. Most people know the system.

  4. Do buses pass by Occidental Destination Resort at X-caret? Trying to see if I can get from that hotel to the church, Nuestra Senora Del Carmen. I see on a map that it’s about 9 kilometers north of the hotel.

    • No they do not. The Hotel is not on the highway and you would need to make it to the highway to take a colectivo. A taxi is your best option. It is not the cheapest but it is very convenient and will get you to church on time.

  5. Hi. What bus should I use to go down 30 Avenue from 38St to Walmart. And then back.
    We walk down 38 St to 5 Avenue for our shuttle but it is getting a bit far carrying groceries.

    • Hello George

      If we are not mistaken, all busses that stop outside of Walmart will go up 30th to 38th Street. We would just avoid any time from 4pm-6pm since the buses are more crowded then. An alternative is this grocery store delivery service. Many of our readers love them. You place an order and they bring it to you. No lines, not buses, just straight to your door.

  6. So far we have found that all the colectivos that have a 30-30 on their windshield travel on 30th from 5th up to at least CTM/46th. Or maybe we have just gotten lucky. We use it going down to Mega or Walmart and back, and after a long day at Akumal or Tulum to get back to 46th. But we still use a taxi when we do our major shop. We think that a taxi should be about 50 pesos from Walmart to Les Alizes on 46th, but they always show a map and argue it is 70 or 100 pesos. Even if we pay 100, it seems with such a favorable exchange rate, to get a huge load of groceries, it’s a pretty reasonable cost.

  7. Hello,

    Are you familiar with the el ceilo area (near the CO.COS Culinary school)? How could I take public transport from here to downtown? I could walk up to the highway. Also, how much would a taxi be to downtown from here? Thank you in advance!! Love your website.

    • We are familiar with that area. We have even been the Cocos cooking school and have a video! That area is a little hard to use public transportation. A taxi is roughly about 240 pesos into town. There are colectivos that are the ones from Playa to Cancun that pass on the highway. Often though they are full entering Playa. There is a combi route that passes near there but we are not sure the exact route. Perhaps someone local knows where to get on and off.

  8. would I have to take las flores to go to the general hospital from centro? would that bus stop somewhere close to walmart on 30th to go to hospital general? thank you.

    • You want to go to the General Hospital on Constituyentes Avenue correct? You can take a bus from 30th Avenue by Walmart and Mega.

  9. Hola. What is the easiest way to get from Walmart to the Home Depot and then return from the Home Depot to the closest point to the ferry to Cozumel?

    • It is going to be taxi. There is no one bus that will make the trip easy and it takes triple the time. Taxis are not that much, about 50 pesos each way. So it is well worth it rather than wait 10 minutes for bus and spend 30 minutes going each way.

  10. Hola. I stay at the Barcelo Maya Riviera Resort, which is outside of Playa Del Carmen. If I wanted to visit the ruins in Tulum or the city of Playa del Carmen, is there public transit that allows me to do so? Thanks!

  11. Where do you get a bus to go towards Tulum to go to a cenotes? And where would you get the Playa Express to go past Mayakoba? Thanks

  12. Exactly what I’ve been looking for. Gracias! Any chance of getting a little update? Current routes and prices? Please?

  13. hello, we are staying at Royal hideaway playcar resort. we are planning to go to Cenote Azule in one day and the next day is Tulum. We can walk in a safe road for up to 30 minutes. what would be the best and affordable transportation? how to catch collectivo bus from the resort that we are staying? Mucho gracias

    • Hello

      We were just at the Royal Hideaway for a stay! It was very nice. From the hotel you will need to go to were the colectivos leave from under the 307 Highway. They pass by Playacar to the west but are full just leaving Playa. Coming back you just flag one down on the side of the road in the direction of Playa.
      If you want to take the ADO bus to Tulum for that day you just need to go to the bus station on Juarez Avenue and 5th. The ADO is a little more comfortable.

    • No they do not. Most run from about 6am-11pm. It should be noted that late night buses can be full or the last one runs early, so don’t count on late night bus rides. It is best to be on your way to your final destination before 10pm.

  14. Whatever bus do i take if i live at los olivos and i want to go to the fifth avenue

    Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated

  15. Hello ! Very helpfull, thanks a lot ! Does that means that if we want to go to Centro Maya, we have to take the 30 30 Soriana ?

  16. I need a collectivo from Playa Del Carmen to Cancun hospital is there one that goes there and if not how do I find the closest to the hospital? Thanks

  17. Hola! Muchas gracias por la información, he batallado mucho intentando encontrar un mapa. Me voy a mudar allá y me estaré quedando con unos amigos en Marsella II, y por ahí no hay transporte público, estoy muy preocupada porque me toca ir a trabajar al centro. Sabrás de casualidad cuál podría ser una buena opción? En lo que logro comprarme aunque sea una motoneta. Muchas gracias!

    • Es una pena que el sistema de transporte público no tenga un buen mapa. La mayoría de la gente se informa preguntando a la gente de su barrio dónde están las paradas. Los autobuses pueden tardar un rato en llegar a los barrios de las afueras, hasta 40 minutos. Los patinetes son accesibles, pero tienen problemas, ya que los baches se cubren de agua cuando llueve y pueden robar baterías y patinetes enteros. Todas estas son cosas que hay que planificar y tomar una decisión equilibrada sobre el sistema de transporte que se quiere utilizar.

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