What are the best restaurants in Valladolid Yucatan?

Valladolid restaurants

The BEST places to eat in Valladolid Yucatan

Valladolid, Yucatan has been growing in popularity in the past few years with tourists. More people are visiting, staying the night and eating out. Because of this, there are a lot more restaurants in Valladolid to choose from. There are a few touristy places that you might want to stay away from, but in general, you can find good value and some good Yucatecan food in Valladolid.

Here are some of our favorite places to eat in Valladolid. This list includes everything from hidden cafes, taco carts and fine dining. We hope you have a fun time in Valladolid if you go. You just might end up staying more than one night because of the charm and things to do in the area (see our article on the best hotels in Valladolid).

Our map for you of all the best restaurants to eat at in town

Use this map to reference where the restaurants are below.


Budget Places to Eat in Valladolid

Most restaurants in Valladolid will offer you a meal for less than $10 USD. So, most restaurants are very affordable. In this section we want to point out some of the more street cart type, options and budget eating options.

Best tacos in the Yucatan?

On the corner of Call 44 and Calle 41 next to the Casona Restaurant you will see a busy street cart. Here you can get cheap tacos where the meat has been slow roasted. These are tacos of conchinita. Add red onions on top and maybe some habanero salsa if you are daring, and you have one of the best tasting tacos on the peninsula.

This cart is around during the middle of the day. It is usually sold out for the afternoon so head here in the middle of the day to get some.

Bazar Municipal food court

Located on the corner of the main plaza at the corner of Calle 39 and Calle 40, this is a local food stall area under one roof. Here you can get lots of local plates of food. The Bazar Municipal gets some independent travelers and locals that work in the area eating here. It is not the cleanest and for a few more pesos you can eat in a restaurant, but it does give you an option right in the center of town. Open daily. You can find some really good local dishes like longaniza sausage.

La Palapita de los Tamales Restaurant

If you want to try a real tamal, this is your place! Local women work making both regular and vegetarian options. The tamales are large and less than $3 USD. There are a few other things on the menu. This is a budget restaurant just a few blocks from the main plaza. It is charming and cheap. Open daily from 8am-10pm. Closed Sundays. Here is a link to their Facebook page. 

Restaurant Zaci

This is the restaurant right next to the entrance to Cenote Zaci. The restaurant is local and serves regional food. The prices are average. The setting under the palapa roof will make you feel like you are in the Yucatan on vacation. You also get a nice view of Cenote Zaci for one side of the restaurant. 

Restaurants in Valladolid

Good Places for Breakfast

One of our favorite places for breakfast in Valladolid is El Atrio del Mayab Restaurant. The reason we like this restaurant is because the nice garden in the back, handmade tortillas, and good value for breakfast.

El Atrio is almost right next to the cathedral on the main plaza. Be sure to walk to the back to the garden for best atmosphere. The restaurant is open daily from 7:00am-11:30pm. It is nice for lunch and dinner, but the breakfast is the best value and meal served here. Here is a link to their Facebook page. 

Valladolid restaurants
El Atrio is one of our favorite places for breakfast in Valladolid.

Breakfast at Hotel Colonte

For a chic place, check out Hotel Colonte where they open for the public to eat at their restaurant for breakfast. This is a fairly new hotel in Valladolid that offers a trendy atmosphere. 

Valladolid Restaurants
Colonte Hotel Origen offers a nice setting for a meal in Valladolid Mexico.

Lunch Restaurants

Yerbabuena Restaurant

Yerbabuena Restaurant is one of the healthiest and tastiest places to grab lunch in Valladolid. Although this restaurant is labeled vegetarian, it should not matter. It is good food, and you can find a wide section on the menu. There is even a bakery on the premise.

You can sit at the counter and have a great juice or dine in the back where there is a nice garden.

Open Tuesday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00pm. Closed Mondays. Here is a link to their Facebook page.

Valladolid restaurants
The entrance to the Yerbabuena Restaurant in Valladolid Mexico.

Dinner Restaurants


Naino Restaurant

Naino Restaurant at the Zentik Project Hotel. This is one of our favorite places for a good dinner in Valladolid. This is out of the center so you will need to take a short taxi ride or drive. You can expect good quality cocktails and food here. The menu is creative and not just some of the same local dishes.

valladolid restaurants
The Naino Restaurant at Zentik Project is open to the public and a great gourmet option in Valladolid for dinning.

Meson de Marques Restaurant

Meson de Marques Restaurant is on the main plaza in a colonial building. For many years, this was “the place to go”. There are however more options now.

There are two options now here. A rooftop restaurant with views of the square and cathedral and the main colonial dining area in the main building.  The food is ok and very similar to many other places in the area serving Mexican/Yucatecan cuisine. If you want to enjoy the restaurant setting, you can also come for dessert or drinks. Open daily from 7:00am-11:00pm.

Valladolid restaurants
The front of the Meson de Marques Hotel and Restaurant in Valladolid Yucatan.

Casa Italia

Are you in the mood for some good pizza or Italian food in Valladolid? This charming restaurant is on a small square. Enjoy a quiet night here. Open Tuesday-Saturday 7:00pm-11:00pm.

Do you want more information about visiting Valladolid?

We have a full article here about visiting Valladolid, and a video below for you so you are sure not to miss some of the great things to see and do in Valladolid. 



There are more places to eat now in Valladolid and most have very good value. We hope you get to enjoy some of these options we mentioned here. Let us know in the comments below what some of your favorite places to eat in Valladolid are.

Valladolid restaurants
Gardens are popular for restaurants in Valladolid to have for guests to enjoy a nice meal. This one is at the Yerbabuena Restaurant.

About The Author


  1. Very good suggestions for places to eat at. I have been to Valladolid three times in the past year and like most of these as good suggestions for tourist.

    • Thank you Jason for taking the time to send us a comment. We are glad you like our restaurant list.

  2. This is an excellent list of restaurants and very good recommendations. I have been in Valladolid for a week and love all of these!

  3. Paparazzi is closed (Feb. 2024). Idilio, on 41a, is a good option for dinner, with craft beer and good cocktails. Look for them on Facebook.

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  1. Valladolid Yucatan a Colonial city with so much to see!

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