Playa Del Carmen Weather-What you can expect for your vacation

Playa Del Carmen weather

Playa Del Carmen weather is what everyone is concerned about when coming on vacation. We thought we would put together this guide to “Everything Weather” for you. In this guide we will talk about the best time of year to visit, when it rains more and what weather related events affect vacations. 

Playa Del Carmen Weather

You will be pleased to know that the average daily temperature is 27 degrees Celsius or 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows you to lay on the beach any day of the year and the ocean is warm enough to swim in year round as well, although locals tend not to swim from December until March. It also seems like we have sunny days with blue sky all the time here except when we get a rain storm. In fact we have 340 days of sunny weather here!

Average Temperatures for Playa Del Carmen

Weather in Playa Del Carmen

May often feels the hottest month on average in Playa Del Carmen but in fact is July and August. It is 29.5 degrees Celsius or 85 degrees Fahrenheit. That might not sound too bad to you but remember that the temperatures at night do not go down very much. Buildings absorb the heat in the day and radiate the heat back at night, so if you don’t have air conditioning it can be hot for you.

Tip: The old saying “it is not so much the heat it is the humidity” comes into play here. We are in the tropics and the humidity levels are often very high. This can make it feel even hotter. This is not a problem if you are by the pool all day or swimming in the ocean but remember outside of these two places it can feel very warm. Drink lots of liquids, wear light clothes and plan your day around the hottest times.

The coldest time of the year is January which has an average temperature of 23 degrees Celsius or 74 degrees Fahrenheit. That might sound a little cool but the days are beautiful with the night temperatures drop some to give you good sleeping weather. Of course if you are living up north these January temperatures are going to seem heavenly! You will see people using a light jacket at night sometimes in the winter.

Daylight Hours in Playa Del Carmen

We have on average 9.25 hours of daylight a day here. From October until January there are 8 hours of daylight a day and these are the shortest days. May has the longest days with 11 hours of light.

Average Rainfall in Playa Del Carmen

If you are planning your days on vacation basking in the sun, then this might be important for you to know!

The most rain occurs from June until October. The good news is that it often only rains for 1-3 days and then it is over or there is a shower and then it goes away. The month with the least rain is February. September has the most rainfall.

Playa Del Carmen Weather

When is the dry and wet season in Playa Del Carmen?

Most people want to be here in the sunny season and not be sitting inside during the rain. The woods or “jungle”  is actually semi tropical rainforest. In the dry season they can look very dry and almost dead looking. The contrast between the “wet” or “green” season to the dry season is very noticeable. Of course with the wet season comes more mosquitos in rural areas outside of the city.

What is the water temperature in Playa Del Carmen?

Going swimming all year round is very comfortable to do. The sea temperature changes only a few degrees up and down. The average temperature is 81.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 27.5 Celsius.  August is the warmest water month.

When is the best weather in Playa Del Carmen?

Well most people would say:

1. March-because it s not too hot and we don’t have too much rain

2. November– because it is cooling down and there is not too much rain. Things are left very green after the summer rains as well, so things look nice.

But really all year is a great time to come to Playa Del Carmen and these are just opinions of people. It is just bad when we experience an occasional full week of rain and it just happens to be on the week you come. That is why we have the guide to what to do when it rains in Playa Del Carmen.

Playa Del Carmen weather
Sundays are for going to the beach with families and friends practically no matter what is the Playa Del Carmen weather.

What about hurricanes?

Yes we live in the tropics and there are hurricanes. We don’t get as many as you might expect and the nice thing about those storms is the amount of time you have for a warning. We on average have a bad hurricane every 10 years and often we often don’t have any hurricanes for several years straight. If you are here on vacation and one approaches, all of the hotels are very prepared to help guest fly home or take cover. If you are living here then we suggest you read our article on what to do when a hurricane affects the weather in Playa Del Carmen. Hurricane season in the Atlantic is June through November.

Natural Cycles of the Playa Del Carmen weather 

Starting in March the temperature starts to get warmer and after months of dryer weather the summer rains approach. The heat of summer makes clouds form and they break into rain showers and cool things down a bit until things heat up again.  Having a regular cycle of this will take energy out of the atmosphere and we have a less risk of hurricanes. In summer expect to change clothes frequently because of the heat. Locals often change three times a day. Be sure you shower often to clean sweat off your skin. After the summer things are very green and things cool off a bit. In the “winter” months it can get cooler in the evenings and a light jacket might be nice. But we never get to freezing.  Christmas and New years are often nice weather and people are on the beach in swimsuits for the holiday.

What is the weather in Playa Del Carmen today?

Most people use and this is decent for a basic look at the weather. Often though, this website is not the most accurate. We like because it has a lot of features for the armature weather sleuth. 

For all the latest weather in Playa Del Carmen, you can check wind guru website. Once you are on the page, just enter “Playa Del Carmen” in the box where is says “type spot name”. It is a technical site but often has very good predictions as to what the weather will bring.  This can give you a somewhat good idea of what the weather is for the week. It is however harder to predict the tropical weather here and sometimes just good to look outside in the moment to see what it is like out.

This weather website is a good one because it shows cloud cover over the area. This can be helpful in planning a beach day or not. 

Playa Del Carmen weather
The website mentioned above gives you good maps like this one of cloud cover and movement.

Tip: When you look out over the ocean toward Cozumel, if it is raining there, it means it is most likely headed our direction. This is the normal weather pattern.

If you are looking for what to pack for Playa Del Carmen, you might want to look at these articles:

What to pack for vacation in Playa Del Carmen

What is your favorite time for weather in Playa Del Carmen? What is your favorite website for predicting Playa Del Carmen weather? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.


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  1. I’m really worried the weather will be too hot in August. We are coming to Playa Del Carmen and want to enjoy the beach. We have seen forcast saying it is going to be really hot then. What is it like then?

    • Hello Carolyn

      Don’t worry too much about the weather in Playa Del Carmen because it is hot most of the year but long term forecast are not really accurate. Also the weather along the coast can be cooler since you have a sea breeze. Usually the weather I August is warm but when the energy builds it will rain and then cool off a bit. At any rate don’t worry too much about the weather because we are sure you will enjoy your time here.

  2. Hi Mr Yucatan, we are planing to come to Playa Del Carmen the last week of September from Montreal in Quebec, Cananda. We usally go during the first weeks of August, just worried that it will rain for the trip and I want to enjoy the beach.
    What is it like during that time?

    • Usually the weather in Playa Del Carmen is really nice then. It is slightly cooler and nice. It is also a little slower of a season before the influx later in the year. The only thing that can happen is a hurricane which of course is a very low possibility but it is still the season for it. Here is hoping the weather is great for your trip and you enjoy the extension of your summer.

  3. We were just in Playa Del Carmen and the weather said it was going to rain but it was lovely each day. It is just how you said in your article,it is hard to predict the weather. The hotel staff said not to worry and looked over the ocean and said it would be nice, and it was!

  4. I’m in PDC now. It has rained nonstop for 2 days. We did have 2 days of sun. If you are coming this week, expect rain. Dark cloud layers and rain as far as the eye can see. I wasn’t expecting this but it’s August so anything is possible…

    • Yes it is raining and dark. Many locals actually like rain days because they are like snow days when you can stay inside and watch a movie. It however is not what tourist are expecting. We hope it clears soon so you can enjoy some outdoor activities. Until then, we do have a guide for what to do when it rains.
      We were in Playa yesterday when it as raining and then went to Cancun where it was perfectly sunny. That is just life in the tropics. It is good to fill up all the cenotes with fresh water and water the plants.

  5. Hui Mr.Yukatan!

    Me and my partner are travelling to Playa Del Carmen for 2 weeks in September (19th Sept to 3rd Oct) and im now really paranoid that its not going to be hot and sunny! It sounds so silly but i want to be able to lay in the sun and get super tanned! Also im concerned that all the excursions i’ve booked will not be as fun if it rains for 2 weeks, its been a holiday we have saved up for for nearly 2 years so want it to be super fun and special. Now im worried it wont be! 🙁

    • Hello Stephanie

      We have to ask why are you worried about the weather now? Your trip is over a month away. Even the best weather predictions could not predict the weather in Playa Del Carmen for then. We suggest you not worry about it now. Even if there is some rain predicted, the weather predictions are not that accurate and the Riviera Maya is a large place. For example the other day it was raining in Playa Del Carmen but we went to Cancun and it was sunny and a perfect beach day.
      Many times it does only rain a day or two and since you have a two week vacation you should not worry about a washout and you should get some beach time.
      For tours, some will have a rebooking option if you give 24 hour notice and you can switch to a day without rain. Other tours we have been it has rained. Xel Ha and Xcaret can be fun in the rain as well. We have been there when it was raining and had a great time. If you go to a Mayan ruin site and there is a chance of rain just bring an emergency poncho so you can walk around and still see things. Sometimes the cooler weather with clouds brings a welcome relief from the heat and sun.
      We hope there is great sunny weather for you when you are here but even if it does rain some, that is just a natural cycle for keeping the jungle green and the cenotes filled up.

  6. Hello. I always notice that the weather in Playa Del Carmen is cooler then Merida. Is the interior hotter or do the sea breezes cool Playa Del Carmen more? I am going to be traveling this month around the Yucatan and am wondering about the weather.

    • Hello Blake

      Many people say the weather is hotter in the interior of the peninsula compared to the coast. In Merida there is a lot of concrete buildings that are close together and the streets can be very hot. If you go to Valladolid, a smaller city in the Yucatan, you will notice that it is not that much different in weather than the coast. There are a lot of trees there and less concrete. Since most people only know Merida as a place of reference for the interior it gets a reputation of being much hotter. We hope you have a pleasant trip and enjoy traveling around.

  7. I am traveling to Playa Aug 29-Sept 2, and I know the region was recently hit with hurricane Earl so I am wondering what the weather will be like. I see there is more than 50% chance of rain on the days I will be there, but I am really hoping it will still be sunny enough to enjoy cocktails by the pool and go sightseeing in nearby Xcaret.

    • Hello Brenda

      The good news is that Earl was a bust here and only caused some rain. Lately we have been having great weather days! Have you seen our instagram account or Facebook? We often post live video and photos of what things look like here. Even though the weather forecast you saw were just a week away, no locals actually look that far in advance because we know they are not that accurate. The weather is harder to predict here. We are pretty sure you will have some nice sunny days while here in the Riviera Maya. Even if it does rain when you go to Xcaret, it can be a lot of fun. We have been there when it rains and still had a blast. We hope you have fun and get lots of sun. See you soon here.

  8. I don’t care what the weather is just get me to Playa Del Carmen so I can enjoy some good food and drink a beer in a hammock. Of course if the weather in Playa Del Carmen is nice, I will enjoy it even more. I need a vacation now.

  9. Hi,we are travelling to riveria maya on September 9th we know there’s a good chance of rain but does it usually rain for along time during the day or is it mostly in the evening. We have been told different things . Please put are minds to rest. Thanks.

    • We are not sure if we can put your minds at ease about the weather but here it goes. Today we just had a few showers in the afternoon and it lasted about 15 minutes. The other day it rained for an hour then we had a break and then again for about two hours. When the energy builds in the atmosphere it releases it in rain and it cools off again. The current hurricane system that passes the tip of the peninsula and went to Florida created some showers and thunder storms. When there is a tropical depression we can get rain for days at a time. No weather forecast is that accurate for this part of the world and most people don’t watch the weather because usually it is sunny and hot here. Our advise it don’t worry about the weather too much. There is not much you can do about it. There are many tours you can still enjoy even if it is raining and the cooler temperatures associated with rain are often welcomed. Your best bet for good weather is come for longer! You can have twice the fun!

  10. Hi we are going to be in Playa Del Carmen September 25th – October 1st for our honeymoon. Can you tell me how the weather has been this week and do you foresee the same type of weather during our trip? Thank you!

    • Hello Stephanie

      Congratulations and we hope you have a great honeymoon here. This week the weather has been hot, humid and sunny. We wish we could post a photo here we took today of the beach. It was a pretty nice day at the beach but hot if you were not by a pool or ocean. We think this weather should continue with occasional rain showers when the energy builds. Our weather will be effected like storm systems in the Atlantic and also when storms cross Mexico from the Pacific. The last storm that hit Florida only gave us 2 1/2 days of rain but nothing else. It is over two weeks from now when you are arriving so it is hard to predict what storm systems if any will affect us.

        • Hello Marina

          We were at the beach today in Playa Del Carmen and the beach was very beautiful and had no seaweed except from 10th Street to Constituyentes and it was just a little line of it. The rest of the beach was beautiful. We wish we could post the picture here we took. Maybe we will put it up in Instagram. The winds and calm seas have made for a really nice beach. We will keep you posted.

  11. For people who want to know, we just stayed at Playa del Carmen for two weeks and had almost all days sunny and beautiful weather. I love the sunny days and warm nights.

  12. I love your photos in Facebook when you post photos you just took. It shows me what weather I am missing not being in Playa. 🙂 See you in December!

  13. Hello. I see the weather is usually the same for Cancun and Playa Del Carmen on weather websites. It is true the weather is the same even since they are close? Thanks

    • Hello Scott. The weather will often be reported as the same because there are not a lot of weather monitoring stations here. Often in the State of Quintana Roo you can have a range of weather. We have often driven to Bacalar and it is raining somewhere between Playa Del Carmen and there. This is a 3 hour drive and the weather will be different in places. Often Cancun gets rain and we have nice sunny days here. So even though the weather looks the same online, it can vary a little. The only thing that is exactly the same is the temperature.

  14. My husband and I are heading to Playa del Carmen tomorrow for our long awaited honeymoon. I noticed that the temp the whole time we are there from Wed to Wed is mostly cloudy with thunderstorm. What is the current weather there right now since the weather online is not accurate?

    • The weather often says it is cloudy but for example the weather is always changing. We had a rain shower this morning for 20 minutes and it was a strong shower. Now it is a beautiful sunny day. We are getting into our season where it can rain more but it is often an afternoon shower or even rain at night when you are sleeping. We hope you have a great time here and it is nice and sunny for you.

  15. Just got back from Playa Del Carmen and boy was the weather nice and the sun was strong. It was hard to stay in the sun long. And it is halfway to October! We normally come in March but came later this year. The weather was great and we used a lot of your tips for walking around town and looking for places to eat. Cannot wait until next March to come back.

  16. We have always found the weather from November to February a great time to be in Playa Del Carmen. Not only do we have bragging rights over our friends back north we enjoy the beach and sunny weather without being overheated. It is also out of hurricane season and not super hot or rainy season.

  17. Keep up the helpful articles like this. We are coming to Playa del Carmen this December and hope the weather is good for us. At least the weather is good for us to take off from Detroit Airport. lol

  18. We plan to go Oct 1st 2016 for 1 week. I am honestly worried as checking on accuweather or any weather forecast website: they say rain / t-storm the whole week. We’d been to Cozumel July 2014 but never been to Mexico in October. Any insight about the current weather situation? Thanks so much in advance.

    • Hello Andreas

      The weather is very nice now. We are having slightly cooler evening and some brief showers. When the weather in Playa Del Carmen is very hot, the energy builds and we get thunderstorms. We have no indications of what the weather will be like now for that week. Our best advice is to look at the temperatures. If it is predicted to be hotter, there might be storms.

      • Hi Mr.Yucatan. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. I hope you would not mind if I ask the weather condition again some time next week. Would you also please let me know if there’s any major storms expected?

        • Sure, that is no problem. We love to help people out. We were on Cozumel and since you can see forever, there were some rain clusters going around. We ere on a bike tour and they all went around us. It was a beautiful day when the sun was out and the water was very calm. We wish we could post pictures in the comment section but you can see them on our Facebook page today. Just drop us a note about the weather next week and we will let you know.

    • hi Andreas!!! i saw your message about the stay in playa del carmen for christmas!!! we are thinking for December for 2017…how was the weather for you there? thank you

  19. I guess Mexico dodged another hurricane! It seems like the weather has been good there with this storm out in the Caribbean sucking all the storm clouds up.

  20. How is the weather now in Playa Del Carmen with Hurricane Matthew churning about? It looks like a pretty big weather system.

    • Hello Herbert. We are enjoying sunny skies and a temperature that is a little lower. We have has some seasonal rains but that is not from the hurricane. This time of year the weather in Playa Del Carmen is cooling a little and we get some more rain to keep everything green.

  21. Hello. We are coming for Halloween this year and wonder what the weather will be like in Playa Del Carmen. We want to go out for some costumes and walk 5th Avenue. We want to plan on how much to wear. Thanks

  22. We will be traveling for our honeymoon here next week! Beginning of to get concerned about the weather situation for our week long stay! Oct 24-31

    • Hello Ashley. We have seen that the weather has predicted some showers. We say don’t worry about it because the weather is likely to be different. Wait until it is closer and the predictions to be more accurate. Today we have a beautiful day with perfect temperatures. This has been typical lately with some afternoon showers. We hope you have a great vacation here and have some sunny beach days.

  23. Hi. Travelling to playa del carmen on 28th Nov – 12 December. Concerned about the weather as it’s cost us 2 and a half grand! What’s the weather usually like around that time? are doe sit look to be good this year?

    • Hello Lauren

      The good news is we are out of our rainy period which is now. The weather is calm and usually low humidity and good for the beach and tours. Most locals think it is cool to swim in cenotes and the ocean but tourist will think it is marvelous weather. We wish good weather for you and that you have a great trip here. Let us know if you need anything else for your trip.

  24. Wow, beautiful website and very informative. Thanks for all the details about Playa del Carmen. We will be coming in November and like reading your site for information.

  25. Hello, we are getting married in PDC the beginning of June. I’m concerned about the weather and how hot it will be during the ceremony and reception. The wedding wil start around 4pm and I’m wondering, just how hot it will be? Also the reception will start around 6pm till 11pm, but will be on the beach. I’m hoping to get a breeze but wondering if we should plan for some sort of cooling device for guest. Can you advise what to expect so we can try to keep guest comfortable.

    • Hello Tami

      The weather is hot in June and usually 3pm is the hottest part of the day. You can expect it to be around 90F. The beach is cooler with a breeze but if guest are not used to the heat or you have a long ceremony you might want to provide umbrellas to guest or fans. It is hard to have electric fans on the beach, so alternative options will be good.

  26. Hello Mr. EPDC! I have been to Cancun so many times. I understand the flexibility of weather change…I have seen Thunderstorms in the forecast and had an amazing time all day at the beach. I will be arriving with my lady Nov. 20th- 27th. Again could you provide an updated weather situation and prediction. Also I want to dance and show my lady a wonderful Mexican night out: Culturally with some Fun (Example: alux restaurant for drinks) then dancing…?Rio Secreto the following morning before Tulum then Xcaret VIP that following day….I guess my question is after Chichen Itza and Tulum…How can I continue the Cultural experience even in a place some would consider “to commercial” THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR TIME! Yo Amo Mexico!

    • Hello Christian

      The weather has been getting clearer with less chance of afternoon showers. Our rainy period is more in October but this year spilled over in to the first week of November. Temperature wise it is near perfect.
      For dancing you could consider Salsanera on 12th Street. It is Latin scene with fun dancing and perhaps drinks at Alux or going to Thompson roof at Catch restaurant.
      Will you be staying in Playa? There are some good personal tours that can take just the two of you out for a romantic time. For the price of Rio Secreto or some other tours you can have a unique day visiting some cenotes, ruins or a cultural experience getting Mayan massages and learning about local culture. It will depend on where you are staying and what you are looking for. There are hundreds of options here and I know it can be hard for people to find what they might like.

      • Thank You. I will be staying at The Royal…Yes for this reason I write to you, there is soo much to do. My girl is so afraid that it will rain…I am like “hey you cant control the weather” in that scenario. I would like to romance her and take her dancing…but also educate her about our beautiful culture (Mezcal drinks,Mariachi, Boleros) for she is Cuban-American. I am already taking her to La Bodeguita del Medio for drinks….Also El Fogon for me is the best taco ANYWHERE…We are not up tight at all and really love places like Afrodisiako for Coffee. Thanks again!

        • I guess I over stated my welcome? Do we have to go all the way to Tulum for a beautiful beach? Playa del Carmen is not known for having the types of Beaches North and South of it…or does it?

          • Hello Christian. There are some nice beaches north and south of Playa Del Carmen. You can see them in our guide here: For coffee shops you might like the new Chou Chou café. For more of things you are looking for, we do have hundreds of articles on everything, the search box can help you find more of what things you might like to show your girl to. One cool place near your hotel is Caguameria. This is a Mexican style restaurant and bar. Order the bone marrow tacos and have a beer or mezcal. It will be a unique experience!

          • Thank You! Much appreciate your info and time to get back at me. I would be glad to buy you a drink and taco for such wonderful advice! We are looking to just soak up the beautiful weather and streets of this magical place. I have always skipped PDC for cenotes and Tulum. Glad I found someone special to share such a romantic place. Thanks Again Mr. Yucatan!

  27. Hi! I’m going to Playa del Carmen in mid-February. How´is the weather during this period? I hope for sun and swimming every day. Should we bring a jacket for the evenings?

    • This time of year normally it is tranquil with days in the low 80’s and sun. You will probably travel with a jacket but you can wear a light sweatshirt and layer when you travel and then have a light jacket for the evenings when it is 73 degrees out. You will notice most locals don’t swim in cenotes and the beach but tourist will be running into the ocean. It is a year round swimming location. We hope you have a great time here.

  28. Hello! I will be there the first week of January. You mentioned that the average temp is 23 degrees, which is pretty cool for me. Are there any chances that it maybe a bit warmer? Can’t picture myself at the beach on. 23 degree weather ?

    • You do realize that is Celsius and not Fahrenheit correct? It might warm your heart and ideas of going to the beach that we are in a heat wave. We have been using the air-conditioning lately. It is very summer like now, so we don’t think you will have any problems getting to the beach.

    • Hello Robyn

      It is usually very hot and dry. We have few showers in June. It does get dry in the woods because it is more of a dry season. Just expect hot weather. If you are from the US, think August weather.

  29. Hello – We are thinking of going to Playa Del Carmen in mid May. How is the weather at that time? Any rain?

    • Hello Monica

      May starts to be very hot and is one of the hotter months. This makes it great weather for the pool and swimming in the ocean. It is also a time when we can get a better chance of rain. Usually when it gets hot the energy will break by having a storm. We know everyone wants blue skies each day and sun but May is more a month where the rains refresh the forest.

  30. Hello. You are about spot on with the weather guide here. It is hard to predict the tropical weather. I notice that the weather always seems to come from Cozumel except then there is a norte. The other day that storm was strong and really cooled things down.

  31. Hi! My husband and I are coming next week (April 16-21) and the forecasts are showing more and more thunderstorms. How is the weather there from your perspective? Do we need to start planning rainy day activities?
    Thank you!

  32. How is the weather there today? We are fling in tomorrow and will be there this week in Playa Del Carmen. Have a nice day.

    • Hello Bob
      The weather here is sunny and nice. The weather forecast was for rain showers this weekend but we only had a little bit of clouds yesterday morning. We hope you have a great time here and good weather for your trip.

  33. How long does it rain for I was looking forward to sun and the beach. Now my hopes are dashed to see rain everyday in the radar. April 19-27 is our vacation!!!

    • Hello Jennifer

      We fairly look at the weather because it often is not correct. Just last weekend it had 50% chance of rain both Friday and Saturday and it was nice both days. Future weather forecast are even worse. Wait until you are closer to look at the weather and take it with a grain of salt. We are going into the more rainy season but don’t despair, it is random and can be for one hour or for a day. You time here will most likely be a mix or more sun and some showers.

  34. I see that May can be how weather in Playa del Carmen. Is it too hot to be at the beach? What do people do when it is near 90 plus? It is my first time to the area and wonder what it will be like.

    • Hello Warren

      It does get hot in May but life goes on. Many people choose to go out early and get things done and then go out later in the afternoon. Many people also eat a later dinner. You will find 5th Avenue full of people at night. During the day people go to the beach and certainly the cool water is great. Perhaps in May people also look for more shade while laying on the beach. At any rate you should have a great time here. See you soon!

  35. Hi we are arriving next Friday for 2 weeks and it’s saying storms and rain everyday do you think this is likely it’s took away the excitement of the holiday

    • Elaine

      Don’t worry too much about the weather. The 10 day forecast has a few days of 80% chance of rain and more days of 20%. These forecast are not that accurate and only general guidelines. This is a time we tend to get more showers so that is not surprising but we don’t think your vacation will be awash.

  36. We are getting married in Playa on June 17th…little worried about the heat and the rain but we are getting married on the beach. Tell us your thoughts please as we are a bit nervous! lol

    • Hello Jess

      We just attended a wedding and the skies were grey. The rain held off and the event was a success. But anything outside without a backup plan can turn into an adventure. This is more of a season when we get showers and rain. There is nothing you can do about that except don’t stress out over the weather, focus on the event and the meaning. Everyone worries about the photos but just show your love and they will be beautiful.

  37. I wanted to know if July would be a total wash out with rain in
    Playa Del Carmen in the middle of the month?

    • Usually it does not rain for days on end in July. Mostly there can be a day or two days in a row with rain. That is just how the weather is generally in Playa Del Carmen then. The further into July the less likely it is to rain.

  38. Hi,

    We are coming to playa 27th June for 8 days and all weather reports are saying it’s pure clouds all day everyday, is this likely, or are the weather reports more likely to be wrong?



    • Hello Katherine

      The honest truth is that weather reports are not that accurate at all over 10 days away. I would not worry about it. Many times there is a generic weather forecast which is a combination of historical weather and what the possible current weather might lead to. Worry more about the 3 day forecast. Nobody here even watches the weather channel.

  39. Hi, what do you think of the weather that we have here last two or three days? We moved to Playa Del Carmen two weeks ago and love it very much as it is the last two days and finally some tropical rain to cool things down. Is this typical for June or more typical for September you think? Love these days when you can plan do something else not just baking in the hot sun. Let me know please, because there are people like me who like rain and storms specially if you come from a part of Mexico where you don´t see a rain drop a year long 🙂

    • Hello Paul

      This is typical weather of late May/ June and also of late September/October. We have two rainy seasons or times where we can get more tropical storms. We have had times where it has been cloudy and rainy for weeks. But the overall impression of locals is that it is more like a snow day. It is an excuse to curl up with a book. But most of the year, about 300 days are sunny. So it is not something we get a lot of, but it is nice to have the cooler days and wet green gardens.

  40. WE are planning to go to playa del carmen sept 23-27 but are very afraid that it would be rain all day and all these recent huricanes…do you guys think we should rely on a weather forcast and not go?

    • Wee the recent hurricanes have not really effected our weather. This is the season for hurricanes though. We are getting afternoon showers and the weather does show 20-50% showers but this does not mean all day. If you want to come when it is almost always sunny, you could come in late March. But then again, weather is not controlled, we just try to guess at what it will do and go by historical patterns.

  41. Hello,
    We have a resort booked in Playa del Carmen the 09/24/2017. The weather forecast says that it is supposed to be thunderstorms all week. Looking at the comments on this page, it appears that September is a rainy season and the weather forecast isn’t much to worry about since rainfall quickly comes and goes this time of year. However, I wanted to double check with the hurricanes/tropical storms going on. Is this rainy forecast I see just the typical September forecast (which includes sporadic rainfall) or is the forecast a result of the hurricanes and we should push back our trip?

    • Hello Brian

      None of the weather we have now is related to hurricanes. We have had more rain this year then normal. it has been about half the day sunny and then half clouds. Today for example was beautiful this morning up until 2pm and now it is overcast and not sunny. It is not prime beach weather but also not something that will make or break your vacation.

  42. First off I would like to say awesome blog! I had a quick question which I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to know what the weather is like in November. We are thinking to skip thanksgiving in the States and be on the beach. Thanks!

    • Hello Niki

      The weather is usually very nice around the US Thanksgiving. Many restaurants have meals. We have a gallery on our site and you can see the weather. It should be in the 80’s and if it is sunny you can enjoy the beach in your bathing suit.

  43. Hello,

    We are coming to playa del Carmen Saturday afternoon and staying through the following Thursday. Right now I’m looking at the forecast and the only day that has a sunshine is Sunday. Is this accurate? If it rains, will it rain all day? Is hurricane Maria a concern?

    • Hello Meghan

      The weather is harder to predict here then other places and it does change the closer we get to the actual day. We will say that we have had beautiful weather the past few days. The hurricane activity in the Caribbean has kept all the bad weather away and actually made our weather better. We are expecting a nice week. Just when it gets hot, the energy can build and there can be a shower, but other then that, it should be nice for your vacation. We hope you have a great trip here.

  44. Hi,

    I’ll be traveling to PDC Oct 9, my concern is the weather I have looked at the forecast and it shows it will rain all week ?
    How has the weather been , I’m thinking maybe I should make other arrangements?

    • Often when it says rain we have a chance of rain during the day and not all day. Today if was cloudy and we had several rain showers. Other days have been half beach weather and half cloudy and/or rain. This is the type of weather we normally get this time of year.

  45. I have reservations to be in playa del carmen Oct 9-14 2017 i have been watching the weather and now I see the tropical storm Nate is suppose to go right over this weekend. What should I do? What will the weather be like that week should I still come or make other plans? Thanks

    • This will mostly be a rain event and will pass in 24 hours. Usually after the storm the weather is very nice. This is not a major storm and something life in the tropics brings.

  46. This is the first year we have been in the Riviera Maya in October and we are really loving the weather. It is cooler but not too cool, not as many tourist and good beaches. It has rained some but that is just part of the tropics. This might be our new time of year to come.

  47. Hi! My 5 year old daughter and I are going to Playa del Carmen and Xcaret with in February 2018. I’ve read your article but also heard from a friend that she experienced a spell of rain during her visit last February. Was it something unusual or will it be likely to happen again? We only have a week and we’d hate for it to be rainy. Thank you!

    • Hello Rachel

      It is rare to have more then three days in a row of rain in February. The nice thing about the Xcaret tickets is that you can move your date up to 24 hours in advance if you want. We have been there when it has rained and we still had fun. In fact you should visit the part of Xcaret called children’s world. It is perfect for a 5 year old. In fact we were there between showers and everyone was still having a blast.

  48. I am coming on my honeymoon 1st January 2018 staying at the paridisus playa del carmen la Perla for 9 nights. My wife and I are after some sun and I am really concerned as the temperature predictions for Jan look very cool. So much so will we be able to sun bathe or go in the pool. Sorry I am panicking as this holiday cost me a fortune and the weather plays a big part!

    • Hello Ross

      January is the “winter” here but most tourist still find it pleasant to be out sunbathing and swimming. There can be cold fronts where it can be cool at night to wear a light jacket. You should be able to swim and sunbath then. You might have some cooler days that you might find going on a tour good but not much to worry about.

  49. We are coming to playa on 12/31 for 7 nights. The extended weather forecast says it’ll be raining everyday. Is that accurate and usual for weather in the 1st week of January? We were looking forward to warm sunny days on the water and now I’m getting a little worried.

    • Hello Theresa
      The weather is not normally rainy then nor are extended weather reports that accurate. No one here really looks at the weather forecast because they are not as accurate and most of the time the weather is nice. We doubt it will be a full week of rain. Maybe a few half days, so don’t worry too much.

  50. Hello,I’m flying into Playa this weekend and it’s predicting rain and thunderstorms every accurate is this? I was hoping to catch some nice sunny days..are shorts appropriate for this current weather?

  51. Hello. Me and my husband are planning to go to Playa Del Carmen from 27 August till 10 September.
    Should we expect some rainy days during this time?
    Many thanks!

    • Usually there is a day here and there. It will really depend if there is a tropical depression or hurricane. But don’t worry we have not had a hurricane in years pass here. If it is very Hotel the energy builds and it will rain but then it will be over. They is the normal pattern.

  52. Hi there, we are planning to travel from June 5 – 10. I’ve read that it can be really hot and rainy during June. What can we expect? Thanks!!

    • It is hot and dry in that season with some showers. It can be good to be at the beach or pool. The woods are very dry and just recovering from the dry season. It is summer weather and it can only get so hot. Expect 90’s.

  53. Hola, we are very excited to be vacationing at the Hotel Xcaret mid June. Can you recommend some of the better things to do and see in the area?? Our hotel offers many options for adventure but want to make sure we are spending time on those things truley great ! Plans to visit Xcaret, Xhala, Xonotes, Tulum. In reading I am a little worried about rain now ???

    • Honestly many people come here and have ideas of visiting places but when they get here they relax at the resort especially all inclusive resorts. Usually one or two days out on tours during a week stay is the most people do. If you are at the new Xcaret hotel you should explore the hotel because it is nicely designed.

  54. Hi!
    I am coming to PDC next week and it looks like 80% chance of thunderstorms the entire week. Since I’m less than a week out, how accurate is that? It says it’s been storming all month, is that true?

    • The mornings have been beautiful as you might have seen our video on Facebook this week. There have been showers that last 40 minutes and in the afternoon if it is hot, the energy builds and it can rain. But not 24/7 rain. You can still get a lot of beach time in :).

  55. We will be traveling to PDC area June 16-24 and all the weather reports say thunderstorms everyday. Can you share some insight on what to expect??? Reading some of your past post it sounds like the weather reports are very broad based. Living in the Seattle area we are really hoping for some sun and heat to dry our rusty bones. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge

    • Hello Gwen
      Where there are weather sstems in the area they often show rain each day but that can be a show or couple of hours of rain. Usuaully the mornings are rain free. This weekend for example we have a large area of stroms passing Often after they pass we have very ice weather with less humidity.

  56. We will be traveling to PDC August 4th through the 11th. The weather is forecasting thunderstorms and rain every day. Should we expect for all of our events to be rained out or does the rain let up after a bit so we can catch some beach time?

    • Hello Jenna

      This is often the forecast when it is hot and the energy builds and we have a chance for afternoon storms. Like we say, it is not that accurate most predictions. It is a hot time and that leads to afternoon storms but you should have some sun. We hope you have a great trip!

  57. We are flying in for Christmas and booked a trip to Chichen Itza for Christmas day. We are a concerned about Thunderstorms in the forecast, should we go another day? Looking forward to the week. Appreciate this site. Beth

    • It is not something to worry about that much. Number one the weather is very hard to predict with forecast. Number two the trip to Chichen Itza is in another state three hours away. The weather can be different in the two places. It is best to go ahead with plans and see how it goes. A good tour company will have umbrellas for you in case of rain. Most rain showers do not last that long and you will be at Chichen Itza for 2-3 hours. So even if it rains you will have some time without rain.

  58. What is the weather like now there in Playa del Carmen? Are people swimming in the ocean? How about cenotes? We will arrive January 21 and want to plan on what we should expect. Thanks.

    • Hello Rita

      People are both swimming in the ocean and cenotes now. Cenotes will feel a little cooler but the beauty of them draws people in. Locals tend not to go in the water during these few months but tourist escaping the cold north will love it and feel like they are in summer. We hope you have a great trip down.

  59. I see the last norte frio send the Sargasso back out to see, clear waters and nice sky for now. I hope the tourists enjoy this weather.

  60. I see the weather is very hot now. Is there much of a chance of thunderstorms this week? We arrive on Sunday.

    • Hello Michael

      It is hot out but we have not any thunderstorms in the forecast. It looks like it will sunny and hot for your trip here. We hope you have a good vacation.

  61. Hello,

    We’re planning to come from July 10th to August 12th to Playa del Carmen.
    The forecast shows a lot of rain… Could you please let me know how is the weather at this time of the year?
    Thank you!

    • First of all, no forecast is going to be correct several months from now. You can only look at averages July and August are summer months with sunny days and temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s. We can get some rain but showers are normally shorter and not all day events.

    • Usually that just means there is a chance each day. It normally will not rain each day and often it will be short. Only if there is a major storm system coming that is slow would it rain all week.

  62. We arrive 6/12 and leave 6/19. Forecasts show rain the entire time. Will it usually be a quick shower here and there?

    • Yes, that just means there is a chance during the day. It is far off and weather reports are not that accurate. Most of the time it should be sunny.

      • This is reassuring. We can’t wait to return to the Playa but the forecast for June 13-20 looks like rain all week. Fingers crossed it’s only a little

  63. hi we are coming to la paradisius le perla the end of june and early july i see the weather is looking cloudy and maybe rain our trip, can you give me a better guidance of the weather and the mosquitos.

    • Hello Jody

      The weather is normally hot, sunny and maybe a shower but not full days of rain. Most of the time will be beach weather. Forecast are not accurate and especially far reaching forecast. Mosquitos are not really a problem. The resort sprays and there is only a small mangrove area by that hotel.

  64. going end of june through july 4..looks crappy for weather? can you give a better idea..also im concerned about the mosquitos??

    • No weather prediction for that far in the future is going to be accurate. Normally we can expect a day of rain or some showered but mostly sun. Mosquitos are not that bad in most places. It will depend on where you are going. Are you staying in the jungle in Akumal or a resort on the beach? Most places it is not an issue.

    • Hello Joe

      The weather has been nice latley. It is typical summer weather with days in the 80’s 90’s. We are getting less rain than July. You should have good weather for your tip.

  65. My wife and I are going to Playa Del Carmen from 9/21 – 9/28 and I am seeing a lot of “Cloudy and rainy” days during that week (actually that is the projected weather all week). I know that the weather there is different and that rain only occurs for short periods at a time (unless if it is a hurricane). However I do not see any major storms or weather activity that would bring cloud and rains that whole week. What is causing it and should I worry about my upcoming trip?


  66. Hello! We are headed to Playa Del Carmen sept 28-oct 5. The weather shows rain/storms every day – but we didn’t see a hurricane or storm headed that way. Will our vacay have any shot of sun?!

    • There is just more a chance of something for an hour or two each day. It does not mean the day will be awash. I think the term partly cloudy or some showers does not exist in the weather predictions in Mexico. hahaha

  67. Hi,
    I will be in Playa next week till 23rd of december, I have noticed playa has been getting a lot of rain lately (on weather networks) is it actually raining a lot or is it bogus forecast? I love your youtube videos.

    • Hello Daniel

      Thank you for watching the videos and following along! It has not been raining that much if any. We have gotten an odd shower here and there but not that much. Often the forecast shows some but they are guessing.

  68. Coming to playa de Carmen September 12 through the 17th for my honeymoon just wondering how the weather is are you guys supposed to be hitting by another hurricane if so just depending if I should reschedule

    • Hello Niccole

      We have nothing in the forecast for a new hurricane. Even if there is one, we have advance warning of them. We just are passing the peak hurricane season and we have one storm so far this year. So it has been a more calm year for us. We hope you have great weather for your trip and you have a great honeymoon.

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  1. How to plan your vacation to Mexico for the best time!
  2. Best Live Webcams in Playa Del Carmen and the Riviera Maya Mexico

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