A Really Good Place to Get Insurance in Mexico For Everything!

insurance Mexico

Insurance Recommendations for Living in Mexico

Julieta Morales Vera

For many, moving to Mexico involves a whole new set of circumstances. It means navigating immigration and how to set up your home. It also means thinking about insurance for your car, home and possibly life insurance. All the types of insurance in Mexico come with a different set of circumstances and it can be a little overwhelming. We recently came across a recommended service from a lot of expats and also encountered amazing service. We were immediately impressed with how knowledgeable Julieta Morales Vera was and how she explained everything.  She is also completely bilingual, so it makes it very easy to deal with all the technicalities and legalese. 

We wanted to add this insurance agent in our recommended services because they offer great service and prices to our readers.  We love recommending good services here that can help you in your new home.  Even though they are based in Merida, Yucatan, all services can be done by phone and email. 

Just to note: This is not a paid promotion, we asked if we could post an article, because we were so impressed with the service. We just wanted to pass this information on to you. We asked them if they would send us some information about them and the insurance 

Do you need Insurance in Mexico? Check out who is 1Seguros

We’re a bilingual insurance broker that offers all types of insurance with 28 years of experience in the field. We work with the top 20 insurance companies with representation in Mexico, so we can find the best option for our clients.
Our director, Julieta Morales Vera, is a certified insurance agent by the CNSF (National Insurance Commission) and member of the AMASFAC (Mexican Association of Insurance Agents), for her reputable experience in the field.

car insurance mexico

Insurance companies they work with in Mexico

These are some of the top insurance providers in Mexico. 1Seguros helps you compare plans and coverage so you can get what you need. 

insurance Mexico

Our Insurance Services 

Our number one priority is protecting the interest of our clients, making sure they understand their insurance policies and helping them use it when the time comes. 

We have a team specialized in each branch of insurance, so our clients can get a personalized experience.  Our services are what differentiates us from other agents, since we do all of this for you, with no extra cost.

We specialize in the expat community, since we understand that it can be difficult to navigate these matters in a foreign country in another language, so we’re there for you when you most need it.  

Some of these services include: 

  • Medical references 
  • Doctors’ appointments  
  • Pre-authorizations for surgeries or treatments  
  • Filling reimbursements 
  • Direct contact with car workshops  
  • Filling reports in case of theft  
  • Dealing directly with all the parts involved 
  • And more 

Car Insurance

If you are looking to insure your car or vehicleyou must have in mind that there’re different types of policies, depending on your car.  

These 3 types of vehicle policies: 

  1. Residentvehicles purchased in Mexico with Mexican license plates. 
  2. Legalized: vehicles that were purchased in Canada or USA, then imported through a customs office (usually older models), then plated with Mexican license plates (must have an importation document). 
  3. Touristvehicles that cross the border with foreign plates (Canada or USA) into Mexico. 

How can you acquire car insurance 

After having a quote, you can have your policy within minutes, you’ll just need to send: 

  1. Picture of your vehicle (showing license plate). Make sure to indicate if your vehicle has any adaptions. 
  2. Picture or scan of the registration or purchase invoice (factura) of the vehicle. It’s important to mention the origin of the car, if it has been legalized or has foreign plates, and if it’s in Mexico with a temporary importation permit. 
  3. Indicate if you will be towing a trailer. 
  4. Picture of your ID (passport, driver’s license and/or residence card). Age is a factor for cost of the premium. 
  5. Address (the zip code can also be a factor of the cost). 
  6. Your email and cell phone to contact you. 

Tips of what to do in case of accident: 

  • Stay in the position of the accident & take pictures. Keep your vehicle in place as long as you can, and if you can take pictures of how the cars collision occurred even better, since there can be discrepancy in how things occurred once your car has moved or in case the other party tries to flee the accident, so take pictures of his license plate too. 
  • Have your policy printed & registration of the vehicle. Keep your policy in the glove compartment & a picture of it in your cell phone, along with your registration of the vehicle. You will require to have your license with you, even if it has expired, it’s best to have it with you at all times. 
  • Call your insurance agent or insurance company. Report the accident, make sure to know the exact address or send your location so the adjuster can find you easier. 
  • Wait for the adjuster to arrive. Do not make any negotiations before hand or admit to fault. 
  • There should always be someone in fault in the agreement. If there isn’t, the insurance companies will not pay and each party will pay their own damage deductible.  This can be determined with the transit laws and position of the cars. 
  • If there is no agreement on the site of the accidents. What happens is that the authorities will take both parties to detention, so it’s always best to try to negotiate an agreement on site. 
  • Once determined who is in fault. You will get an order to get your car repaired and will have a couple of shops to choose from for the repair.  

car insurance Mexico

Health Insurance

There are several levels of protection & options for all ages, limitations can apply due to age and immigration status as well as preexisting conditions.  

There are types of health insurance policies: 

  1. International: you get coverage worldwide. 
  2. National: you get coverage in all Mexico and can include coverage for medical emergencies abroad.  
  3. Limited national: a more affordable plan that covers you in all Mexico but limited regarding hospitals and sums insured.  

How can you acquire health insurance 

If you are under the age of 64, you’ll need to send: 

  1. Scan or photo of your passport in color. 
  2. Scan or photo of a service bill as a proof of address in Mexico (i.e. electricity-CFE, water or phone bill, not older than 3 months issued, it does not need to be in your name). 
  3. Answer a small questionnaire. 
  4. If you want to waive the waiting periods: front cover of your insurance policy & proof of payment of the last years.  
  5. Email and cell phone 

If you are age 65 up to 69 you will require all the above, and additionally: 

  1. Scan or photo of your immigration card (temporary or permanent). It’s a requirement to have a residence in Mexico to be able to obtain private health insurance. 

If you are age 70 or overyou will require all the above, and additionally: 

  1. You’ll need to pass a medical examination and doctor evaluation to be accepted. So it is important to try to get your private health insurance before you turn 70, since it can be very difficult to obtain it at this age and older. 

**Most National Health insurance companies will have waiting periods for certain conditions if you do not have proof of continuous coverage. So, it is important to mention if you have been insured and if the policy has not lapsed for over 30 days, you can use this previous policy to wave the waiting periods on your Mexican policy. 

Tips on using your health insurance policy: 

  • Use the hospitals in your networkIt’s best to use those that are included in your plan, so the direct payment can be processed and not be penalized for using higher level hospitals than the ones authorized in your plan. 
  • Get network doctors Consult if the doctor it’s in the hospital network or have your doctor to agree on receiving the insurance fee to avoid out of pocket payments to doctors that are not in the network. 
  • Preauthorization processed firstIt’s best to have the procedure pre-approved before having your procedure, to avoid additional expenses.   
  • Keep all your invoices (facturas), test results & copy of prescriptions. The “facturas are proper digital invoices and require a tax number. If you do not have one, there are generics you can use: XEXX010101000 (if you’re foreigner) and XAXX010101000 (in case they don’t accept the first one). You have up to two years to file for reimbursement.  

Travel Insurance

Depending on if you are only traveling for a few days, months or a whole yearthis is a product that is issued with payment ahead, since this product cannot be cancelled.  

It covers: 

  • Medical expenses until you are stable and can be returned to your home country.  
  • Accidental death and repatriation of ashes coverage. 
  • Trip cancelation expenses or loss of luggage. 
  • Assistance services. 
  • Some companies offer COVID-19 coverage. 

The policy will provide contact so you can inform immediately that you are in need of using the policy, so you can receive assistance, it is very important to inform the company the same day in case of medical expenses. 

How can you acquire travel insurance?  

You’ll need to send the following: 

  • Scan or photo of your ID (valid passport in color). 
  • Country of origin and address. 
  • Countries you will be traveling to. 
  • Days of the journey. 
  • Full name, birthdate, relationship & contact information of your beneficiary. 
  • Your email and cell phone. 

Home Insurance

Having a home, it’s lifetime achievement so it’s important to also have it well protected with the proper policy.  First important factor is to determine that the policy operates at first risk, and that it will pay out in replacement value, and to verify if your home is beach front or in a seismic area.  

The main coverage of this insurance is:  

  1. Fire, explosion, lightning. 
  2. Hydrometeorological phenomena (hurricane, tropical storms, wave damage, storms, winds, hale, floods). 
  3. Earthquake and volcano eruption. 
  4. Variation of voltage for your appliances and electronics. 
  5. Accidental glass breakage. 
  6. Liability for all the members of the household in the home and out of the home, including pets.  
  7. Theft of contents due to forced entry. 
  8. Assault of personal items out of your home. 
  9. Several assistance services including funeral expenses in case of a death in the family. 

How can you acquire travel insurance?  

You’ll need to send the following: 

  • Full address of the property. 
  • Indicate number of stories. 
  • Confirm If your property is beach front within 500 mts of the ocean. (You must have a seawall to protect the foundations). 
  • Provide approximate sq. mts or sq. ft of the building construction to evaluate the replacement value. 
  • Indicate sums of all the contents you wish to insure (global figure). 
  • Indicate sum of contents you wish to protect for theft. 
  • Provide pictures of the home showing outbuildings (such as pergolas, solar panels, electric gates, palapas, pool, special railings and terrace areas. 

Tips on using your home insurance: 

  • Make sure to take pictures of your contents. All your rooms showing appliances and electronics, furniture, art work, etc. If you have small valuables, make sure to take single pictures of these as well. You must save your pictures in the cloud in case your computer gets damage or stolen. You will require to show the insurance company proof of existence when filing for a claim. 
  • In case of theft. Make sure to take pictures of damage caused to the break-in, it’s important to have proof of how they entered the property.  
  • Damage caused by fire, explosion or lightning and variation of voltageTo proof damage, you’ll also need to take pictures of the damaged items and also of the specs of the item is helpful. 
  • Call your agent as soon as possible so you can get the proper guidance on what to do next. They’ll help you report the claim to the insurance company. 
  • Phone your local police in case of theft or fire department in case of fire. In case of theft, you will require to file a police report.  It’important to have a list of all items stolen when you go to file the report. 
  • Safeguard the house. If a door or window was broken you must protect the entry with boards, etc. until you can get it properly fixed. 

Life Insurance

Life insurance shows just how much we care about our loved ones. So, leaving them protected to maintain their lifestyle, even when we are not here anymore, is an act of love.   

How can it help you? 

  • You protect your loved ones when you’re no longer there for them,  
  • It protects you in case you become disabled and losing the ability to work to have an income.  
  • You can create a retirement plan with a savings account while having protection  
  • You can create a savings account for your short-medium plans, to protect the value of your money without it devaluating, while having protection  
  • When a partnership It’s involved or you have a valuable employee in your company, insuring them it’s a way to insure the company.  
  • Create a saving account for your children designated for their education (ex. University), while being protected.  

Types of policies available: 

  1. Protection 
  1. Protection with savings (with free trust arrangements available) 
  1. Retirement (savings account) 
  1. Educational  

How can you acquire life insurance?  

Information required: 

  • Valid ID (passport in color) 
  • Scan or photo of a service bill as a proof of address in Mexico (i.e. electricity-CFE, water or phone bill, not older than 3 months issued, it does not need to be in your name). 
  • Answer a small questionnaire. 
  • Do you smoke. 
  • Occupation.
  • Interest to protect (family income, children education, pension, business partnership, business key person, employee retirement fund, etc.). 

Contact 1SEGUROS.MX for your insurance needs

Email depending on the branch of interest: 

Phone numbers: 

  • WhatsApp: + 52 (999) 3167145 
  • Office phone: + 52 (999) 3167145 

Social media: 


  • Address: Calle 21 x 22 #208A Colonia Yucatán. C.P. 97050, Mérida, Yucatán, México. 

Office hours: 

  • Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm  
insurance mexico
Their office in Merida.

About The Author


  1. If you want great service, this is an excellent option. I obviously work with her and am a dedicated customer. She is well trusted in the expat community and has a good team of people working in the agency.

  2. Hello. I will add my positive experience to this list because I was very pleased with getting my car and health insurance here.

    • This is an insurance broker that lines people up with the best insurance for them. You dont pay any more, you just get personalized service to help you.

  3. Looking to move to Playa del Carmen. My husband and I are looking for private medical insurance for Mexico only. We want insurance that pay for pre existing illnesses. Can you give me a quote. I am 53 and he is 54.

    • Hello Judy

      You have contacted our website where we wrote about this insurance company. Many of the expat community has enjoyed this service. TO get a quote you will need to contact them directly.

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  1. Great services in Playa Del Carmen you should know about! - Everything Playa Del Carmen
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