Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary in Playa Del Carmen

Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary in Playa Del Carmen Playacar


Xaman-HA Bird Sanctuary is located right in Playa Del Carmen in the Playacar (Phase 2) section. This park is a natural look at what the area would look like naturally and without development. It features birds that are indigenous to the Yucatan Peninsula. If you are not going to be going to Xcaret or a place to see tropical birds, why not see them right here in Playa Del Carmen!

The park is set in a natural setting with stone and concrete trails ( Not really good for handicap access). You can see such birds as parrots, macaws, flamingos, ducks and more. The birds are not in cages and are content sitting on limbs or walking around ponds. There is one enclosure that houses some birds, and you are able to walk through it. The small sanctuary in Playacar will take about 20 minutes to one hour to enjoy the park depending on your interest and pace.

Tips for visiting Xaman-Ha

Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary in Playa Del Carmen PlayacarHere are some things to keep in mind if visiting. Bring you camera, stay on the paths, don’t touch the birds, no smoking in the park or eating food. You might want some mosquito spray. There are public bathrooms available.

Good times to visit the sanctuary are in the morning when they open because it is cooler, in the middle of the day you do get good sunlight, even though it is shaded, to take photos. In the late afternoon some birds come into roost, and it can be a nice time as well. So, each part of the day offers something different.


Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary in Playa Del Carmen Playacar
Entrance to the Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary

Directions to Xaman-Ha Aviary

Playacar is on the south end of Playa Del Carmen. It is a private development, but Xaman-Ha is open to the public. You can walk to the park from the downtown if you don’t mind a walk. If you walk, when you reach the main gates of Playacar (phase 2) just off the end of 10th Avenue, just let the guards know you are going to Xaman-Ha, if they ask, and they will let you pass. Most of the time you can just walk through the entrance. Once through the gates, follow the main road straight and slightly to the left. It is about a six-minute walk and will be on the right side. The street you are walking on is called Paseo Xaman-Ha.

If you are driving, when you get to the main gate just say you are visiting the Xaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary, and they will let you pass. If you are coming from 10th Avenue, drive straight and slightly the left. Drive about one minutes and you will find the aviary on the right. There is parking in front of the park.



Open everyday

PricesXaman-Ha Bird Sanctuary in Playa Del Carmen Playacar

Entrance is 300 pesos or $15 USD.

Children under 12 years old are free.

If you are a local resident and have INSEN, IFE QROO identification then entrance is 150 pesos.



About The Author


  1. I treasure the info I find on your site. I have been staying in Playacar for several times now and just read about the Xaman Ha Bird aviary. Thanks for the info.

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