Chiltepin Mexican Seafood Restaurant-Local and Spicy

local seafood Restaurant in Playa Del Carmen

Chiltepin Restaurant is a little off the beaten path but a good place for some Mexican seafood tacos, tostadas and more. It is very popular with residents of Playa and with tourists that find the place. It is the type of restaurant you order good seafood tacos or a shrimp cocktail and drink a beer while the music plays and TV’s show sports. It is casual dining with true Mexican taste. The restaurant is open air with fans and also has a small pool that kids can swim in while the adults enjoy the food and a drink.

The menu reflects a more northern Mexican style of preparing seafood. The portions are large and for the money you will get much more than you would at some other popular Mexican seafood restaurants located near 5th Avenue. Expect to pay about 100-150+ per person. It will really depends on how much you eat and drink. But you can see by the photos and prices below that you can get off pretty easy here and not pay a lot.

When you sit down, they bring you tortilla chips with four salsas and a shot glass of their very tasty shrimp soup as a sample. Service is fast and the food comes out soon after you order.

Just look what at these three menu items. The first two are tostadas and they go for 42 pesos each. The last is their take on a fish taco and it was 22 pesos. Very large portions and good quality.

Chiltepin Restaurant in Playa Del Carmen Chiltepin Restaurant in Playa Del Carmen

Like we mentioned, it is a casual place and having a beer or even a michelada fits right in. If you have not tried this true Mexican beer drink, then you should. You might like it or think it is gross. A michelada is beer with lime juice, sometimes Worcestershire sauce and Chile powder. Just look at the photo below, no beer drinker should miss this on their vacation to Mexico. Live and try new things! It cost about 44 pesos depending on size and what beer you use as the base.

HoursChiltepin Restaurant in Playa Del Carmen



Notice the later opening time. This is meant for a later lunch time and perhaps after coming back from the beach.


On the corner of 34th St and 20th Avenue


984 147 2487


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