The results are in from our travel polls

This is how our readers answered

Many people including us are interested in knowing what people are thinking these days concerning travel. When will we be traveling again? What will travel be like? And other questions are on peoples minds. Not only is it interesting to see what you as a reader is thinking, it will be helpful to business owners to plan for this year into next year. We thank everyone for taking the polls and helping everyone see what is on your minds. 

We have listed the results in first to last order and included the percentages of the votes as well as the amounts of votes cast for each answer. We will say, it has been very interesting looking over the results. 

When would you next travel to Playa Del Carmen/Riviera Maya area?

If it was not dependent on your vacation time, budget and a few other circumstances, when would you feel comfortable traveling to Playa Del Carmen?

  1.  As soon as possible and things open up. 34.15 %   1680 votes. 
  2. Later this year around fall. 28.05%  1380 votes. 
  3.  The first half of next year. 21.54%  1060 votes. 
  4. Not until there is a vaccine or medicine for symptoms. 16.26%   800 votes. 

Your accommodation on your next vacation

Has the corona virus changed where you might stay for your next trip? Here are two questions aimed at understanding how people’s attitudes might have changed toward accommodation. 

  1.  No, I will stay at the same type of place as before. 81.60% 3460 votes. 
  2. Yes, I am concerned about the cleanliness and health issues more now. 18.40% 780 votes. 

What type of accommodation will you be booking for your next vacation? 

  1.  All-inclusive resort. 47.89% 2040 votes. 
  2.  Airbnb or similar type of booking. 21.60% 920 votes. 
  3.  A condo rental company that manages vacation rentals. 15.49% 660 votes.
  4. Hotel 15.02% 640 votes. 

Concerns over your next vacation

If you are going to be traveling to the Riviera Maya in the next 8 months or so, what thing would most worry you from this list?

  1. Getting on a plane and air travel. 46.05% 1980 votes. 
  2. Not everything will be open. 45.58% 1960 votes. 
  3. Eating out at restaurants. 4.65% 200 votes. 
  4. The cleanliness of the accommodations. 3.72% 160 votes. 

Have you changed your destination for your vacation for this year?

Do you feel more comfortable staying close to home this year or are you still on track for your international travels this year?

  1. No, nothing has changed, and I will continue with my travel plans. 63.98% 2700 votes.
  2. I have canceled my vacation for this year. 22.27% 940 votes.
  3. Yes, I will be traveling locally in my own country this year. 13.74% 580 votes. 

Beach with no people


Has your financial situation changed your travel plans for this year?

A lot has happened in the last few months. Some have moved to online work and others are not able to work. We would like to know how our readers have been affected and how, if it has, affected your travel plans for this year. 

  1. No, I am about the same financial situation as before and will not change my travel plans. 68.27% 2840 votes.
  2. Yes, I have been affected financially, but will still travel, just perhaps spending less than before. 23.56% 980 votes.
  3. Yes, I have been affected financially and will not be traveling this year. 8.17% 340 votes.

Tell us a little about yourself

It is helpful to know more about the ages of our readers and responders to these surveys. Since Covid-19 affects different age groups differently, knowing more about the age of responders can help understand how people are feeling and responding the way they are. 

  1.  47-60 years old’s 48.82% 2006 votes.
  2. 34–46-year old’s 25.12% 1060 votes.
  3. 61 or older 18.48% 780 votes.
  4. 22-33 years old’s 7.58% 320 votes.
  5. 21 or younger 0% 0 votes.

Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions about your travel for this year. We hope some of this information helps local businesses and also gives everyone an idea of what this season will look like. We hope whatever your travel plans are, you have a safe and good vacation. If you are coming to this area, we hope to have more updates and information on things here so you can enjoy your time. 

beach with no people

About The Author


  1. I am looking forward to coming to Playa in Decaember, I love the people, and the whole area. I have made some good friends locally. I stay at Sandos Playacar usually. I am hoping all this virus goes away. I miss Playa a lot!! Be safe!

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