The plaza is getting a makeover for the 30th Anniversary of Playa Del Carmen

Renovation Plaza 28 de Julio Playa Del Carmen

Renovation planned for the Plaza 28 de Julio

The plaza in front of the City Hall in Playa Del Carmen is set to get a makeover. The mayor of Playa Del Carmen, Lili Campos announced remodeling and modernization of Plaza 28 de Julio. This renovation will mark the 30th Anniversary of Playa Del Carmen. 

During her weekly report, Lili Campos explained that after the remodeling, the plaza will accommodate nearly 32,000 people and will allow families to have an ideal space to enjoy with their little ones. “It will be an inclusive space, to bring pets, to exercise or simply to rest and enjoy various products, in spaces defined for merchants.”

She stressed that she would promote talks with businessmen and associations, as well as with the Colleges of Architects and Engineers so that they participate in the analysis of the project. This will be done so the work can begin at the end of March and be inaugurated on July 28, the date on which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the municipality of Playa Del Carmen. 

What is the Plaza 28 de Julio like now?

Currently the plaza is a little lack luster and needs an update. For those of you familiar with the plaza, it has concrete pavers, electrical plugs that spark when you plug in, steps and some trees. You can find people walking dogs, hanging out and some using the plaza to surf the internet.  It is however not as visited nor used as Park Fundadores by the Cozumel Ferry Pier. 

In one corner is a sunken Mayan themed amphitheater that is hardly ever used. There are also concrete arches that list parts of the state, but the state of the arches is in need of repair. Overall, the plaza is hot because it gets a lot of sun and does not have large trees. Let’s hope the new renovation solves all of these issues. 

Photos of the renovation or Plaza 28 de Julio

Below you can see City Hall on the left of the rendering. Some more trees will be added and some striped of green spaces for people to enjoy. Fountains on the 15th Avenue side will create a cental view up to the City Hall. It also appears that trees will be planted around City Hall. 

At the top of the rendering, it looks like all trees, this is not the case since there are hotels and buildings there. So, it might appear a little overly green. 

Renovation Plaza 28 de Julio Playa Del Carmen

Below you can see a stepped area that can be used for events. The Large flagpole will stay in the center of the plaza. 

City Happ Plaza

Another angle of the stepped sitting area with the fountains in the back. Again, the trees behind the fountain will not be there since that is 15th Avenue and buildings on the other side of the street. 

Plaza 28 de julio

A temporary structure can be added to the newly renovated plaza to host events. this is already done now, it just will continue to be used for events like Carnival, Oaxaca Festivals and music events. 

Plaza 28 de Julio


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  1. Thank you for the update on this park. It always seemed a little boring and out of place this area so I am glad it is getting a makeover. Congrates to Playa for 30 years!

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